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Posted: 2018-04-19 20:39:59

Posted April 20, 2018 06:39:59

On the Gold Coast, transport, and particularly how you get to Brisbane, is one of the city's biggest frustrations and constant talking points.

You only have to speak to a commuter who has been stuck for hours on the M1, the major road link between the two cities, to get a sense of the passion involved.

While the Federal and Queensland Governments continue to argue about funding for a much-needed upgrade of the southern end of the motorway (much to the frustration of all residents), there are a few older Gold Coasters who remember a controversial decision made in 1961, that could have left a very different transport option.

We're talking about the closure of the old Tweed Heads rail line.

Between 1903 and 1961 steam trains ran from Beenleigh, south of Brisbane, all the way south to the NSW border.

That's 20km further south than where today's train line ends and, crucially, the station at Tweed Heads, was on the coast.

The State Government also closed a Southport line in 1964, with no trains heading from Brisbane to the Gold Coast again until 1996.

While shutting rail lines seems like an odd decision in today's context, in the 1960s small lines were being closed across the state, with the Queensland Government arguing they were losing money and cars were the way of the future.

The then-member for South Coast, Eric Gaven, gave this argument for the closures in Parliament in 1964.

"With the introduction of competition from good road-transport services, the railways have been left for dead," he said.

Travel experiences on the old trains

Former Gold Coast Mayor Lex Bell was about 10 years old when the lines shut down, and remembers being a passenger on the old trains.

"The carriages were wooden, they were sort of a dark brown most of them, and the air-conditioning was simply, opening the window," he said.

"One had to be very careful when opening the window because cinders could get in and get in the eyes."

Mr Bell said the trains were not as fast or efficient as today's models are.

"It was a winding line and it therefore had to be navigated very carefully by the train drivers at the time."

He said the Queensland Government profited from the land sale after the lines were closed.

Mr Bell was not sure if transport would have been improved on the Gold Coast, if the train lines had remained.

"When the new track was put in it could only use part of the old track because it was so unsuitable," he said.

Train closures part of a trend

Griffith University's Associate Professor Matthew Burke co-wrote the first history of transport on the Gold Coast, and believed the decision to close the old railway lines had cost the city.

"We lost so many opportunities by ripping up that train line at the time," he said.

"No-one really understood that population growth was going to explode on the tourist strip like it did; no-one foresaw that the city was going to be what it is today."

The transport researcher said about a dozen train lines were closed in Queensland in the 1960s, and rail closures have continued since with the Beaudesert and Brisbane Valley lines shut down.

He said, around the country, suburban train lines in Perth have been closed and country lines in Victoria have been shut down.

He said things were changing, with plans to extend the current Gold Coast rail line south to the NSW border, and the investment in light rail, which now extends from Helensvale, in the north, to Broadbeach.

But the academic believed heavy rail close the coast (where the biggest populations are) remains the missing link in the city's transport.

For commuters stuck in the Gold Coast's southern congestion, they can only now wonder, what if.

Topics: rail-transport, transport, government-and-politics, coolangatta-4225, southport-4215

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