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Posted: 2018-04-20 02:59:11

Updated April 20, 2018 19:09:18

Treasurer Scott Morrison is continuing to resist calls for him to admit he was wrong in repeatedly opposing a banking royal commission, instead opting to turn his fire on Opposition Leader Bill Shorten.

Key points:

  • Labor has been calling for an apology from the Government for its previous opposition to a royal commission
  • Treasurer Scott Morrison says this pressure is political point-scoring from Bill Shorten
  • He also says the banking and financial system remains strong despite "shocking" revelations from the inquiry

Mr Morrison has announced tougher penalties for corporate criminals, including maximum sentences of 10 years' jail and fines of up to $210 million for corporations.

But the revelations emerging from the royal commission have also prompted calls for the Government to give an apology for previously resisting such an inquiry.

Labor leader Bill Shorten called on Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to apologise for blocking the formal inquiry that the Greens, Labor and some Nationals backbenchers had pushed hard for.

Former deputy prime minister Barnaby Joyce said this week he was wrong to have originally blocked a royal commission, adding that the evidence of misconduct in the sector went further than he would have imagined.

But Mr Morrison has not apologised, instead accusing Mr Shorten of using the royal commission for political point-scoring.

"I don't hold back from my criticism of Bill Shorten, not one second, I have got a whole bunch of others I could make of him if but I don't think that is the focus of today's discussion," he said.

Mr Morrison added, "he changes football teams as quickly as he wants to change seats", in reference to Mr Shorten considering standing for a new electorate because his own seat is affected by boundary changes.

"That's about Bill, it's always about Bill with Bill," Mr Morrison said.

In other news out of the royal commission on Friday, a top Westpac executive said the process of unwinding commissions for financial advisers was 'complicated', while AMP chief executive officer Craig Meller stepped down, after the royal commission was told this week that the financial services company had lied to ASIC for almost a decade to cover its practice of charging customers fees for advice that was never delivered.

Financial Services Minister Kelly O'Dwyer backed Mr Morrison, saying Mr Shorten was part of the Labor Government when high-profile corporate collapses happened, including Storm Financial and Great Southern.

Ms O'Dwyer accused Mr Shorten of doing "virtually nothing" when he had the opportunity to do so and said the Coalition was "cleaning up the system that Bill Shorten ignored".

'The banks have been exposed as grave-robbers'

Mr Shorten hit back, saying the Liberal Government has been in power for five years.

"When do they ever take responsibility for anything," Mr Shorten asked. "If they want to pretend they haven't been in for the last five years, they should refund their pay packets."

The Opposition leader said the Prime Minister and the Treasurer had done everything they could to protect the banks against a royal commission.

"All of the dodgy, disgusting, scandalous behaviour we are seeing revealed from the big banks and from AMP could have been available and uncovered two years ago, except for the fact that the Turnbull Government is nothing better than a protection racket for the big banks," he said.

He seized on revelations form the royal commission that dead people were being charged fees, saying "the banks have been exposed as grave robbers".

Banking system still 'rock solid' despite revelations

Despite the evidence emerging from the royal commission, Mr Morrison emphasised the strength of the Australian banking and financial system.

"I can assure Australians that despite the very disturbing and indeed shocking revelations we have seen in the royal commission … as abhorrent as they are, they are completely separate from any question about the stability and strength of Australia's banking and financial system," the Treasurer said.

"That is rock solid."

He argued the issues being brought to light were about behaviour and culture.

But former competition watchdog boss Allan Fels said the evidence to emerge was so disturbing the banks should be broken up, with banking operations separated from financial advice services.

"This is a turning point in the debate, because it's now out there in public that this behaviour has been going on, widespread, shocking, unconscionable," he said.

"It's worse than I thought, more systemic, more unconscionable.

"That leads to the question: What is to be done about it?"

Topics: government-and-politics, banking, royal-commissions, business-economics-and-finance, industry, law-crime-and-justice, laws, liberals, alp, political-parties, federal-government, australia

First posted April 20, 2018 12:59:11

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