The banking royal commission has heard the story of a couple whose retirement dream was shattered when they sold their home on the advice of a Westpac financial planner.
Key points:
- The McDowalls wanted to buy a bed and breakfast and retire, and sought advice from a Westpac financial planner
- The planner and a business banker told them it could work, and so the McDowalls sold their house and started looking
- But when they went back to Westpac to finalise arrangements for a loan to buy the B&B, they were told it was impossible
Jacqueline McDowall and her husband wanted to buy and run a bed and breakfast, so that the nurse of 30 years could retire from nursing.
They had a little over $200,000 in superannuation in two industry super funds. They also had a home with a mortgage on it, two car loans and some other personal debts.
Their hope was to use the equity in their home plus their combined super balance, as well as a bank loan, to buy the B&B.
They went to a Westpac financial planner, who said it was feasible to do this through a self-managed super fund. They also met with a Westpac business banker who said they would be able to borrow a significant sum help fund the property purchase.
"[The business banker] said, 'You're in the right place, I'm the money man, I can lend you up to $2 million'," Ms McDowall told the hearing.
Based on this advice, the McDowalls sold their family home and started renting as they looked for a property to purchase.
However, when they went back to Westpac to finalise arrangements for a loan to buy the B&B, they were told it was impossible, because you cannot use superannuation funds to invest in a property you live in.
The adviser suggested the McDowalls buy an investment property instead.
"Why would we then buy an investment property to rent to someone else when we haven't even got a property to live in ourselves?"
Ms McDowall said she had told her family and friends of her excitement over her B&B plan but was left feeling humiliated when it fell apart.
"I was too embarrassed to tell anybody. I felt humiliated, stupid."
She only told her own children what happened when she was contacted by the royal commission to appear.
The McDowalls eventually got some compensation through the Financial Services Ombudsman but Ms McDowall said it was a "very difficult" process that took years.
They have since moved to the Northern Territory to take up higher paid work. They are still renting and unsure if they will ever be able to afford to own their own home again.
Ms McDowall ended with a scathing assessment of Westpac's conduct.
"A bank that's a big bank, that I've been with for 16 years, for them to do that to their customers is absolutely and utterly disgusting," she said.
Westpac executive admits strategy 'not viable'
The general manager of Westpac's BT Financial Advice, Michael Wright, followed Ms McDowall on the witness stand.
Mr Wright told counsel assisting the inquiry Rowen Orr QC that Westpac decided he would be the most appropriate person to appear before the commission, despite the McDowalls' adviser Krish Mahadevan still working for BT.
Mr Wright admitted the strategy recommended to the McDowalls was never viable.
"Clearly Mrs McDowall has the right to understand what she's getting into. I've got no reason to doubt Mrs McDowall's comments, and that was very disappointing to hear," he said.
"This is poor advice. It should've been covered, and it wasn't, and it had a significant impact."
The hearing also heard the adviser ignored concerns raised by a "paraplanner", who assisted with the preparation of the advice.
The paraplanner raised the alarm about the fees associated with the SMSF and the level of the insurance cover despite the fact they had not yet secured a property for the B&B.
The commission will hear more evidence about inappropriate advice from Westpac tomorrow, with Mr Wright to return to give more evidence.
Earlier today, a Commonwealth Bank executive admitted the "fees for no service" scandal extended to charging fees to people who had died.
Topics: business-economics-and-finance, industry, banking, royal-commissions, law-crime-and-justice, government-and-politics, australia
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