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Posted: Wed, 18 Apr 2018 05:00:04 GMT

A MEDICAL mercy mission is underway to bring home an Adelaide woman who suffered severe burns in Thailand.

Victoria Nikoloudis, who works for a non-profit helping the less fortunate in Chiang Mai, is in hospital after an accident where she was burnt by oil and fire last week.

She sustained severe burns to 80 per cent of her body and is undergoing daily surgery.

Her family is hoping to bring the volunteer worker home and be treated at the Royal Adelaide Hospital burns unit.

Her friends have started a GoFundMe page online, hoping to raise $80,000 to cover her medical costs in Thailand and to repatriate Ms Nikoloudis, who has “a heart of gold and a passion for life”.

“Victoria found her purpose in Thailand helping the less fortunate from people in remote villages to orphans who require daily necessities and medical attention with no financial support,” the online fundraiser wrote.

“A group of her closest friends have come together to start this go fund me page to try and help Victoria and her family so that there will be one less burden on them and they can concentrate on getting her home and most importantly better.”

Ms Nikoloudis volunteered her time and had previously raised funds to purchase daily necessities for orphanages.

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