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Posted: 2018-04-16 14:15:00

Australian banks look set to publicly report on how much their customers trust them, a move designed to give greater transparency to the industry's bid to repair its battered reputation.

Former auditor-general Ian McPhee, who has overseen the banks' attempt to address a "trust deficit", will on Tuesday call for individual banks to publicly report on the extent to which they have managed to rebuild public trust and confidence in the industry.

Former auditor general Ian McPhee says banks should publicly report on their success or otherwise in rebuilding trust.

Former auditor general Ian McPhee says banks should publicly report on their success or otherwise in rebuilding trust.

Photo: Matt Bedford

Mr McPhee was appointed by the banking industry in 2016 to report on banks' efforts to carry out a wide-ranging reform package, and in his final report, which will be published on Tuesday, he says it is now up to chief executives and senior managers to "embed" the reforms.

The report's sole recommendation is for the Australian Bankers' Association to introduce a policy for individual banks to publish "appropriate performance indicators" on whether they are achieving their goals of rebuilding public trust in banks.

The ABA, which commissioned Mr McPhee, accepted this recommendation.

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