The clean-up of decommissioned coal-fired power stations is a new challenge for Australia, and one regional South Australian community says it's being denied clean air because of problems with remediation.
Dust from the closed Port Augusta power station is being whipped up by strong winds and residents are worried about their health.
Local Josie Price was diagnosed with asthma about 20 years ago and said recently her condition had worsened.

"The last few months the coughing's just non-stop most of the day," Ms Price told 7.30.
"I'm entitled to breathe fresh air — I'm not getting it. I want my fresh air and so does the rest of Port Augusta.
"If this was in suburban Adelaide it'd be declared a disaster. They'd be in there 24 hours a day, seven days a week until it was fixed."
While there are no official figures, Ms Price's GP, doctor Amanda Bethell, believed respiratory problems in Port Augusta were on the rise.
"The nurses also who work in emergency tell me that they've noticed if they're driving into town and they can see the dust, they know they're going to have a busier say in the emergency department," Dr Bethell said.
Local resident Brett Prentis said the dust was coming from a 270-hectare dam at the power station site that held half a century of ash from coal burning.
The site's operator Flinders Power capped the dam with 15 centimetres of soil and planted seedlings, but Mr Prentis said there had been little rain and there was no irrigation, resulting in the dust.

"Those seeds are very slow to grow and very sparse, so it's going to be a long time to germinate and get to a point where we won't have any more dust events," he told 7.30.
"We've lost an industry so that's been a big blow to Port Augusta, losing the positions, and then to have the other blow of knowing the site isn't being returned back to its normal state, repatriated correctly, is another kick in the teeth," he said.
Company structure a concern for residents

Fuelling residents' concern is an alleged lack of transparency and openness from Flinders Power. Dr Bethell said the company had refused to tell them how much money it had for remediation.
"We don't know exactly how much money has been allocated. We don't know who's going to pay if that money is inadequate," she said.
Flinders Power used to be part of Alinta Energy but was split off as a completely separate business to oversee the power station's closure and remediation.
After being pressed, Alinta's CEO Jeff Dimery revealed for the first time the clean-up budget.
"I'm not sure what the big issue is but it's between $200 million and $300 million," he told 7.30.
"Alinta have played a really responsible role in rehabilitating and restoring the site, great progress has been made."
Mr Dimery said the funding was "ample" but ruled out irrigation of the seedlings.
"It's uneconomic to irrigate the site. I mean natural rain will take care of it. We've had an unusually dry period," he said.
Port Augusta Mayor Sam Johnson said the community remained concerned about the corporate separation of Flinders Power from Alinta, and of its offshore links.
"We understand the company goes back to the Cayman Islands," he said.
Dr Bethell said she wanted an explanation from Flinders Power.
"The fact that it's a company, of a company of a company. I think Australian people are naturally very suspicious when there's offshore companies being formed," she said.
"Are they trying to get away from something? Are they trying to get out of something?"
Flinders Power refused 7.30's request for an interview, but in a statement said the business had been separated from Alinta with SA Government consent on the condition of being fully funded to meet the remediation obligations.
"There's no obligation on taxpayers at all. There is enough money there, the program is 85 per cent complete," Mr Dimery said.
Flinders said when it was owned by Alinta it was under a Cayman Islands structure and remains that way.
'Federal Government hasn't shown enough interest'
The South Australian Environment Protection Authority (EPA) said it approved the soil capping and seedling plan after consulting a range of experts.
EPA chief executive Tony Circelli said only minute amounts of coal had been detected in the dust, but conceded it could pose a health risk when it blew over town.
"All dust has health implications. We know that the finer the dust, then the greater the implications of short and long term," he said.
"We're doing as much as we possibly can, employing as much as we can to require Flinders Power to get to the full rehabilitation as quickly as possible."
Australia has more than 20 operational coal fired power stations, but they're getting old and renewable energy is hastening their end.
Port Augusta closed in 2016.
Senator Rex Patrick from the Nick Xenophon Team said remediating sites was an emerging issue for the nation. He's led the push for a Federal Parliamentary inquiry to examine Port Augusta's dust woes.
"Port Augusta is just but one of a number of power stations right around Australia where similar problems will eventually emerge in respect of remediation, so it's a problem that needs to be solved in Port Augusta but also nationally," he said.
"The Federal Government hasn't shown enough interest in this.
"We don't want to see other communities suffering in the same way Port Augusta is right now."
Topics: air-pollution, coal, port-augusta-5700
First posted