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Posted: Tue, 10 Apr 2018 05:59:01 GMT

CALLING all Mark Zuckerbergs.

Global advocacy group Avaaz has set up 100 cardboard cutouts of the Facebook founder on the lawn of the US Capitol as the 33-year-old prepares to testify to Congress.

The Zuckerbergs all sport an identical grimace and black T-shirts reading “Fix Facebook.”

Avaaz said the protest was done to “call attention to the hundreds of millions of fake accounts still spreading disinformation on Facebook.”

“The group is calling on the CEO to ban all bots, alert the public any and every time users see fake or disinformation, fund fact checkers around the world, and submit to an independent audit to review the scale and scope of fake news,” Avaaz said.

Zuckerberg will appear a joint hearing of the Senate Judiciary and Commerce committees today, followed by a House Energy and Commerce Committee hearing tomorrow.

He will answer questions about how Cambridge Analytica, a political consultancy which worked for the Trump 2016 campaign, improperly obtained the data of as many as 87 million Facebook users in its scheme to influence the US presidential election.

The social media giant has started rolling out a tool that will allow Facebook users to see whether their data was harvested by Cambridge Analytica.

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