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Posted: 2018-04-04 17:32:00

Tony Abbott says he'll be "getting on with things" when a poll milestone is reached next week.

The Australian is expected to publish early next week its latest Newspoll, which is likely to be the 30th in a row with the coalition lagging Labor.

Malcolm Turnbull used the factor of 30 Newspoll losses in a row as a key reason for ousting Mr Abbott for the party leadership in September 2015.

The prime minister is "very" confident he continues to have the support of his coalition colleagues for the leadership, with about 12 months to go until the next federal election.

When the poll hits the headlines, Mr Abbott will be on the road between Melbourne and Canberra on the Pollie Pedal charity bike which aims to raise $500,000 for Soldier On.

"(I'll be) getting out and about around our great country meeting people and listening to their concerns," he told 2GB radio on Wednesday.

Abbott ally Eric Abetz says he's not aware of any challenge to Mr Turnbull's leadership, but was not one to engage in the "cult of personality".

"I joined the Liberal Party because of its virtues, values and principles, not because of who might be the leader from time to time."

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