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Posted: 2018-03-18 00:12:45

Posted March 18, 2018 11:12:45

There is an enormous amount of speculation flying around about why Russian double-agent Sergei Skripal and his daughter were poisoned.

Some of it understandable, some of it fairly wild.

Was the nerve agent attack really sanctioned by Russian President Vladimir Putin? Or has he lost some control over factions in the Kremlin? And what is more terrifying?

Is it meant as a chilling message to those who "betray" Russia in London and even Washington?

Or is this all just a tiny part of a much broader geopolitical ploy to eventually engineer some sort of cold-war style crisis, which could help the country regain some of its lost greatness?

The truth is we may never fully know.

A number of people in Moscow — some pro-Putin, some not — have told me the timing "makes no sense" for Russia this close to a Presidential election.

There are even a few who claim it is a sinister American conspiracy to "meddle" in the nation's political process.

But less than 24-hours before the polling booths opened, the Kremlin appeared to use the deepening diplomatic crisis to its advantage by announcing counter sanctions.

Twenty-three Britons will be booted-out in retaliation for the 23 Russians expelled from the UK.

A consulate in St Petersburg will be closed, while a cultural group has also been targeted.

It's hardly surprising stuff but of course it could have waited a day or two.

Instead, the message was once again repeatedly rammed home to voters via state TV — Russia under Mr Putin will always react strongly.

His lacklustre presidential campaign has largely dawdled to a close.

He'll win the election, that's inevitable, but there remains a fierce fight over turnout.

The Kremlin hopes it will be high, opposition supporters hope it will be low.

They have scattered to polling stations across the country to capture any attempts to inflate or meddle with the figures.

Mr Putin's real problem doesn't seem to be any push for change but rather apathy.

If you know there is only one candidate who can win, does your vote really matter?

Even if Boris Johnson and Britain are wrong and poisoning the Skripals wasn't the President's plan, the mocking denials and dismissive Kremlin comments broadly play to Vladimir Putin's political strengths — defiance of the west and protection of the fatherland.

Perhaps the diplomatic crisis this poisoning case has caused may help him get more people into polling booths.

Topics: world-politics, government-and-politics, russian-federation, united-kingdom

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