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We all have our ideas about what aliens might be like.
We're influenced by movies, for sure. On the whole, aliens don't seem like friendly sorts, being keen on zapping us, rather than clapping us.

Now how did PETA get that endorsement?
PETANo wonder Stephen Hawking warned they might hate us and stomp us to death.
Activist group People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), however, insists it knows what aliens don't like.
It's placed billboards in Roswell, New Mexico, scene of a rumored alien spacecraft crash, and Devils Tower, Wyoming, the location for "Close Encounters of the Third Kind," to insist aliens love animals more than humans.
"We'd rather go naked than wear fur," the billboard says. "We are not alone. Respect animals."
PETA has a sponsor for these billboards: Dennis Hof, owner of the Bunny Ranch, the famous, and legal, Nevada brothel. The billboards serve as "a message of compassion for all forms of life." Hof said in a statement.
PETA's president, Ingrid Newkirk, seems less than compassionate toward some of her fellow humans. "If aliens visit, we'd all better hope they don't kill and skin us the way humans have done to other species," she said.
I'm not sure aliens would look all that fetching wearing human skin. In some cases, it's painfully and randomly hairy.
The bald-head-and-smooth-body thing currently favored by so many aliens is a much cleaner image.
Still, it could be PETA has secretly made contact with beings out there to get the arresting quote.
I've always thought wolves that howl in the night aren't howling at the moon at all. They're howling "Save us! Save us!" to all the space people out there.
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Crowd Control: A crowdsourced science fiction novel written by CNET readers.