Love sushi and old-school video games? This 3D food printer from Japan could be a perfect addition to your kitchen.
At this year's SXSW, Japanese technology company Open Meals revealed its Pixel Food Printer, which 3D-prints edible sushi, and other food, that looks like it was meant for a retro video game.
Open Meals uses a robotic arm to help print out pixelated sushi and other food items.
Erin Carson/CNETThe pixelated food, including sushi and burgers, is printed first by using the Food Base digital platform that stores data on the exact flavor, shape, texture, color and nutrients of foods.
Then the actual Pixel Food Printer uses a robotic arm that prints out small pixel cubes made of edible gel with the corresponding flavors, colors and nutrients of the type of food being printed out.
The tiny blocks are stacked to make the final food item, with the result looking like the kind of stuff you'd spot in Mario Brothers.
According to the official website, the printer not only makes simple reproductions, but also encourages users to "design and create any dishes desired to greatly expand the possibilities for food."
The Pixel Food Printer from Open Meals isn't available for purchase yet as the company is still awaiting patent approval.