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Australia Shopping Network. It's All About Shopping!

Posted: 2018-03-12 13:05:00

Can Labor avoid the same fate? Can it afford to defy these voters all the way to the next election?

The full impact of this new policy will take time to emerge. Labor claims that 92 per cent of taxpayers will see no impact at all. Even so, the other 8 per cent amount to almost 1.2 million people who will call on allies - shareholder groups, seniors' associations, the super industry and possibly the big companies that pay dividends - to fight back.

Labor's treasury spokesman Chris Bowen can use this huge revenue gain to turn the tables on the government. He is said to have told his shadow cabinet colleagues that this new revenue cannot be frittered away, that there is no excuse to give up on fiscal discipline.

Armed with this $59 billion, Labor can think about offering income tax cuts to average workers while at the same time beating the government on the path to a surplus. Labor lost on this issue at the last election because its policies, in aggregate, deepened the deficit. Not any more.

Labor can also afford to adjust its stance on company tax cuts. The tax cuts already passed cost $29.8 billion in foregone revenue over a decade, while the remainder of the package would cost another $35.6 billion.

It would be madness for Labor to try to repeal what has already been legislated and put small businesses through the pain of yet another tax change. It can now argue that what is done is done. Voting against the remaining $35.6 billion in company tax cuts still adds to the Labor bottom line. (And remember, they have also gone ahead with $17 billion in tax hikes on trusts.)

Shorten and Bowen took a huge gamble two years ago with the negative gearing reforms, attempting something no party had been able to do for decades. They have now cemented that plan and turned it into a political advantage with younger voters who feel shut out of the housing market.

The latest policy also taps into a generational divide. The losers are older Australians. Labor will no doubt make sure that younger Australians win from its tax cuts.

It is not hard to see the fingerprints on this policy. Bowen pays close attention to Paul Keating, who introduced dividend imputation but did not include a cash refund. A progressive think tank, the Australia Institute, has also championed action on this front.

The blowback will be severe, so Labor will need all the friends it can get.

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