Kirk or Picard? Star Trek fans can argue endlessly for the swashbuckling sexiness of William Shatner's James T. Kirk or the intellectual charm of Patrick Stewart's Jean-Luc Picard, but Amazon founder Jeff Bezos has made his choice.
In a tweet sent out Saturday, billionaire Bezos shared a photo of himself and his wife, MacKenzie Bezos, posing on the red carpet at last week's Oscars. And who's that Star Trek captain with him? Hint: Reports of his assimilation are greatly exaggerated.
Yep, it's Patrick Stewart of Picard fame, and his wife, Sunny Ozell. You might spot a resemblance between the two tall bald dudes. In a response to Bezos' hashtag of #GoBoldly, one Twitter user was quick to joke: "And #GoBaldly."
Kirk fans shouldn't feel bad, Bezos has shown his love for their (rebooted) captain as well, playing an alien in a brief cameo in 2016's 'Star Trek Beyond," which features Chris Pine as young Kirk.
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