
Grey skies. Bad air. Rats. When it comes to adding up what is good about Paris, emotions usually take the lead: the city of lovers, the banks of the Seine, the Eiffel Tower, "Gigi".
But if you look at the data points, the French capital has a lot to answer for — especially in the winter of 2018, which has been one of the coldest and wettest on record.
Start with sunshine, which is a logical measure for any place nicknamed the City of Light.
Paris's 1,664 hours of sunshine per year make it one of the dullest cities in Europe — trailing behind northern neighbours like Copenhagen (1,780 hours per year), Stockholm (1,821) and even Minsk (1,758), according to Current Results, a website that compiles scientific research.
But the Parisian grisaille, or greyness, is nothing new, certainly to anyone who lives here. One of the first things arrivals learn is that Paris is further north than Quebec City, Canada — a place where they have an annual Winter Carnival and make ice sculptures the size of houses.
City of light, or darkness?
What they don't always learn is that the "City of Light" nickname dates back to the Paris Fair of 1900, and refers to a pavilion dedicated to the joys of electric lighting — which the city was early to deploy on its sombre streets.
"Call it the City of Darkness, and Give It Vitamin D," a headline in The New York Times proclaimed in 2003.
When it comes to urban air pollution, let's face it, much of the developing world's cities make the developed world's cities look good.
But Paris still scores pretty poorly on air pollution indexes for Europe.
One ranking, by the website Numbeo, based in part on World Health Organisation data, puts Paris at the 13th worst air quality of all European cities — better than Naples and Bucharest but worse than Athens and London.
Parisians learn to live with a regular stream of pollution alerts — the visible brown haze that stings the eyes and causes schools to keep children off the playground at lunchtime.
Part of the problem is that Paris lies in a natural basin, so the breezes don't do their job of clearing the air.
A contributing factor has been the enduring affection Parisians have for their cars — something that successive administrations of eco-loving Paris mayors have only been able to dent.

The mayor who came closest to turning Paris green was Bertrand Delanoe, the immediate predecessor of the current office-holder, Anne Hidalgo.
Mr Delanoe, who served from 2001 to 2014, ushered in Ve'lib, the bike-sharing system run by the French company JCDecaux. The grey Ve'libs attracted 300,000 regular users in Paris and inspired similar systems in London and other cities.
Combined with Mr Delanoe's aggressive efforts to condemn parking spaces and carve out bike lanes, Paris gained a reputation as one of the most cyclist-friendly cities in Europe.
Bike schemes lose their way
But with the expiration on January 1 of Decaux's 10-year concession, Paris has struggled to keep the system going. A French-Spanish firm, Smovengo, was awarded the contract but has not met its deadlines for converting the old Ve'lib stands for its system, leaving hundreds of ugly, gaping holes in pavements all over the city.

Meanwhile, gobee.bike, a Chinese app-based outfit jumped into the void with 2,000 bright green cycles that could be picked up and dropped off at will on the street. But the firm decided in late February to pull out amid thefts and vandalism, blaming "underaged individuals" in search of "new entertainment."
The failure of the handoff is turning into one of Ms Hidalgo's bigger eco-fumbles as mayor.
One of her first moves in office — closing the roads along the Seine River to vehicular traffic as part of a plan to develop the riverbank for recreation and tourism — has been roundly criticised.
Residents argue, with some cause, that the move actually increased air pollution by forcing the same volume of cars to idle in traffic jams on surface roads.
A court in February reversed the closure of the roads on procedural grounds; the city has said it will appeal.
Infested with rats
No court in the land, it seems, will be able to help Paris beat back a resurgence of another longstanding problem and public-relations nightmare: rats.
The French capital frequently appears on lists of the most rat-infested cities in the Western world, with some eight million unwanted rodents being eliminated each year, according to MPH Online, which compiles data for students of public health.
The rainy weather this winter, which has swollen the Seine and caused flooding in low-lying parts of the city, has exacerbated the problem. An amateur video shot in December by a Paris garbageman, showing rats swarming over a city garbage can, went viral.
"Paris is known for being infested by rats," the newspaper Le Parisien reported in January.
"But not to this extent."

Anne Bagamery is a Paris-based journalist.
Topics: lifestyle-and-leisure, human-interest, travel-and-tourism, france
First posted