"A couple of 1-1.5m Hammerhead Sharks (low risk) seen near Fairhaven, and 1km out to sea near Lorne," he wrote on social media.
"No large or high risk sharks sighted."
The aerial spotters were on high alert following an incident that saw Lorne beach closed on Friday.
The sightings came after local grandfather Robert Frostland fought of a 3.5m shark during his regular pier-to-pub swim at Lorne.
"First thing I saw the fin, just circle around me and then it came straight at me," Mr Frostland told Channel Seven News.
"I punched it; I was just treading water, waiting for it each time, six or seven times, just punched it each time.
"It swam around and came back and I was waiting for the jaw to open.
Waiting for the jaw, but I was lucky."