
The great playwright Eugene O'Neill famously said: "There is no present, there is no future — only the past, happening over and over again."
Remember those words as we consider the news that Donald Trump is planning to meet Kim Jong-Un.
Firstly, this is good news: anything that takes us back from the edge of nuclear confrontation is welcome.
But — and it is a big but — should we expect any lasting outcome?
A history of bait and switch
History is always a better guide than hope. Here are some dates:
1992: The two Koreas — north and south — sign a Joint Declaration on the Denuclearisation of the Korean Peninsula. Both sides agree not to test, manufacture, produce, receive, store, deploy or use nuclear weapons.
North Korea signs an inspection agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency.
1994: Former US President Jimmy Carter cuts a deal with North Korea; Pyongyang agrees to freeze its nuclear program in return for aid.
1998: South Korean president Kim Dae-jung announces "sunshine policy", pledging peace, reconciliation and cooperation. Despite these signed agreements and acts of goodwill, North Korea's secret nuclear program continues and the US ramps up sanctions.

2002: President George W. Bush says North Korea is arming itself while starving its people. He names it as part of an "axis of evil" including Iran and Iraq. The US Secretary of State, Colin Powell, meets his North Korean counterpart.
More sanctions are imposed. North Korea announces a moratorium on missile testing.
The US says North Korea admits to a clandestine program to enrich uranium for nuclear weapons.
2003: The IAEA condemns North Korea. Pyongyang withdraws from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
Six-party talks begin with North Korea, the United States, China, Japan, Russia and South Korea.
2005: North Korea's Foreign Ministry announces it has "produced nuclear weapons".
2006: North Korea says it will abandon its nuclear program.
2007: Six-party talks announce agreed "action plan" for denuclearisation.
2010: North Korea threatens war against South Korea.
South Korea accuses the North of sinking a South Korean ship. North Korea says it will cut all ties with the South.
On and on it goes. See a pattern? Promises, deals, more talks then more threats.

Why North Korea endures
The North Korean leadership changes from Kim il-Sung to his son Kim Jong-il, now to the grandson Kim Jong-Un.
Presidents have come and gone: Clinton, Bush, Obama and now Trump.
The North Koreans are often dismissed as unpredictable — even crazy. This dangerously and foolishly misrepresents and underestimates them.
This is a regime that has withstood pressure and has existed in a state of war for half a century.
Despite warnings of collapse, famine, economic sanctions, it is still standing.
It has a million-man army and has more firepower than at any time in its history.
The Kim regime's endgame is survival, and it has played a weak hand very well.
What will change this time?
So what is different now? Why should hope rule over history?
Predictability hasn't worked: North Korea has just played for time engaging in a tactical game of bait and switch.
The North Koreans have been consistent in their demands: they want a full peace treaty; security guarantees; recognition of the regime; sanctions lifted and de-militarisation of the region — American troops out and no more US joint exercises with South Korea.
Without those conditions there is no incentive for North Korea to surrender its weapons.
History tells us that is unlikely.
What can Donald Trump deliver that other presidents could not?
Trump, the wild card
For one thing, if the meeting goes ahead it will be leader on leader: Trump and Kim.
Trump is a wild card, he has employed maximum pressure and threatened war.
He has warned North Korea that the era of strategic patience is over.
Trump is a disruptor: think recognition of Jerusalem; a military strike on Syria; threats of trade war.
Predictability hasn't worked on the Korean peninsula. North Korea has just played for time, engaging in a tactical game of bait and switch.
It is the theory of chaos: to keep your opponent unsettled.
He also calls himself the deal maker: can the disruptor pull off his biggest deal and disarm North Korea?
If he can, he will make history. If not, 2018 will be another date in a history of false hope: the past happening over and over again.
Topics: government-and-politics, world-politics, korea-republic-of, korea-democratic-peoples-republic-of, united-states
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