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Posted: 2018-03-09 02:46:32

Updated March 09, 2018 15:16:33

When Donald Trump was vying to be president, he had an idea. If he won the election he would sit down with Kim Jong-un, sort this Korea thing out, and share a burger at the same time.

It sounded fanciful and they may not opt for a burger, but incredibly — for now at least — the leader of the world's most powerful nation is planning to meet face to face with the man he deridingly described as "Little Rocket Man".

This extraordinary turn of events came without fanfare or any warning. The South Korean National Security Chief, Chung Eui-yong, was in Washington reporting on his recent meeting with Mr Kim in Pyongyang.

Suddenly, he was making an announcement: The two leaders who just last year were insulting and taunting each other are to sit down and talk.

Mr Trump will no doubt take credit for North Korea's offer. He previously said the sanctions he initiated are having their desired effect by forcing the North to the negotiating table. Key to their success was China agreeing to limit the flow of goods to and from the DPRK.

The President too will no doubt claim the continued military pressure on Pyongyang will have contributed to Mr Kim's willingness to talk.

North Korea's position has shifted

The fact Mr Kim has apparently agreed that joint military exercises between US and South Korean forces scheduled for next month will not be an impediment to a summit indicates a big shift in position. Previously those exercises, held every year, have so aggravated the North that talk of talk would have been impossible.

So perhaps having a US president like Mr Trump has had a measurable effect on the peninsular.

He is the most unpredictable American leader in living memory. Just maybe that inability of the regime to read him has unsettled the North enough they don't want to risk the possibility he could be serious about a military confrontation — one they surely must know they would lose.

Is this the flowering of peace? Certainly not, but the optimist that still flickers within would like to believe this most intractable of conflicts could, one day, be solved. And if so, maybe it takes a maverick like Mr Trump to do it.

However, history stands between him and a glorious moment as peacemaker.

Successive Kims have played the West for fools for decades. A rhythm of threats followed by talks, concessions, then betrayals has marked previous failed attempts to find a way forward.

The North Korean threat is real

But this time is different. Pyongyang does have the bombs and now the delivery systems. A theoretical threat to the US is now something real. And it simply won't — can't — be tolerated by the President.

Where previous US leaders have threatened to destroy the weapons and the Kims with them, Mr Trump might just mean it.

Whatever the motivation, it is quite likely Mr Kim will try and game the US in a time-honoured tradition: Talks, concessions, a period of cooperation and then back to the bad.

Mr Trump knows this and as a man who prides himself as a dealmaker he will accept nothing short of a total, verifiable and permanent end to the North's nukes.

And in reply Pyongyang will demand a total, verifiable and permanent end to the military pressure on the North it always interprets as a constant threat of invasion from the South. Most importantly, Mr Kim will demand a guarantee of his regime's survival into the distant future for those in his family — at least the ones he hasn't murdered, yet.

Both leaders are flying blind

It's hard to see how either side can give the other what it wants. And yet, it seems this extraordinary meeting will happen. No politician likes to go into negotiations without already knowing the outcome.

But given the solar system gulf between the two, both may be flying blind.

Deep scepticism is clearly justified. But conflicts do end, even ones nearly 70 years in the making. And whatever we think of Mr Trump the man, we can only hope his unconventional style yields unconventional results.

The Korean Peninsula and the region have lived with the threat and reality of violence for far too long.

If this doesn't succeed the military option remains. Millions of lives depend on that never becoming the solution.

Good luck Mr President.

Topics: government-and-politics, world-politics, foreign-affairs, unrest-conflict-and-war, korea-democratic-peoples-republic-of, united-states

First posted March 09, 2018 13:46:32

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