
In the final week of Italy's election campaign, Silvio Berlusconi scoffed at one of the country's best known political interviewers when he dared question the wisdom of the four-time prime minister's big-spending economic agenda.
Enrico Mentana wanted to know how the octogenarian businessman intended to pay for higher pensions and lower taxes when debt as a percentage of economic output already stands at 133 per cent. Only Greece and Japan have higher ratios globally.
"Don't you know who I am?" cried Berlusconi. "I am the country's number one entrepreneur".
Deploying his trademark ad hominem attacks, the media tycoon swiftly shut down an important policy discussion telling the director of his rival television network that he should be ashamed of himself for ignoring the plight of needy old people, the young unemployed and the "15 million poor people".
Berlusconi, who controls Italy's biggest commercial media empire, maintained his popularity with older voters who still rely on his newspapers and television channels for their political news.
But this election saw a new breed of voters connect online with the young leaders of the anti-establishment Five Star Movement (Luigi Di Maio, 31) and the far-right Northern League (Matteo Salvini, 44).

Berlusconi's stalled comeback
The election wasn't expected to deliver an outright majority to any one party, but the result has still shocked pundits who'd assumed Berlusconi's Forza Italia Party would emerge with the highest number of votes in a centre-right coalition.
Instead, the 81-year-old's political comeback has been frustrated by the far-right Northern League which managed to snare 18 per cent to Forza Italia's 14 per cent.
It's a stunning outcome for the League's leader Matteo Salvini who took over the leadership just five years ago after the party managed to garner just 4 per cent of the vote at the 2013 election. He immediately shook off the "Northern" tag to create a more nationally focused party no longer intent on seceding from the south. His slogan of "Italians first" echoed the nationalist zeal of his good friends like French far-right leader Marine Le Pen and her Dutch counterpart Geert Wilders. Mr Salvini is also proudly supported by US President Donald Trump, having recently tweeted a picture of them holding hands at a Trump rally.
With the centre-right coalition of Forza Italia, Fratelli D'Italia, the Northern League and Noi Con Italia on 36 per cent, the anti-establishment Five Star Movement winning 32 per cent of the vote centre and the centre left Democratic Party taking 19 per cent of the vote, no party or alliance has the necessary 40 per cent to form government outright.
Five Star — whose key policies include stopping compulsory child vaccination and introducing a universal basic income — refuses to join a coalition with any of the mainstream parties, making the next weeks, if not months, of negotiations impossible to predict.
Populism makes a splash
One thing is certain: far-right populist politics now represents a potent and potentially destabilising force in the eurozone's third biggest economy.
With Berlusconi at the helm, the centre-right alliance was considered the least worst of possible election outcomes in a previously binary political system first disrupted by the Five Star Movement in 2009.

Berlusconi promised to be a moderating influence on Mr Salvini's more extreme tendencies while fending off the electoral assault by the Five Star Movement. With a tax fraud conviction rendering him ineligible to sit in the Parliament, Berlusconi's pick of centre-right prime minister had been the current President of the European Parliament Antonio Tajani. He helped found Berlusconi's Forza Italia party back in 1994 and could provide comfort to a nervous Europe while appeasing financial markets.
Under Mr Salvini, the League has become far more populist, anti-EU and xenophobic. In the final days of the campaign, the firebrand leader swore on copies of the Bible and the Italian constitution promising a "mass cleansing" to rid Italy of illegal immigrants.
An increasing number of Italians believe immigration is at the root of their economic woes and Berlusconi joined the Matteo Salvini chorus, validating the public's concerns by describing refugees as "a social time bomb waiting to explode."
The right-wing coalition platform included a commitment to deport most of the 600,000 asylum seekers who arrived by boat over the past four years because Italy couldn't afford to keep them. According to Berlusconi, without state aid they would be forced in to a life of crime.

Why Italy's economy matters to us
Italy's political future is important to us all. It is the eurozone's third largest economy and the 12th largest in the world (Australia is 19th). A collapse in the Italian economy would have ripple effects with the potential to trigger another global crisis.
Jobs and growth have been elusive in Italy since the last financial crisis. Wages are yet to return to pre-2007 levels and unemployment is stubbornly high at 11 per cent (the youth jobless rate is around 30 per cent).
The black economy is thought to be worth at least 12 per cent of GDP and broader growth is stuck at an anaemic 1.4 per cent per annum.
Mr Salvini, like the Five Star leader Luigi Di Maio, is intent on disentangling Italy, at least in part, from the European Union.
Earlier rhetoric about abandoning the euro was toned down and the language is now more about renegotiating the agreements than leaving the union altogether.
Berlusconi last week declared "absolute loyalty" to the League's Matteo Salvini despite his outburst comparing Laura Boldrini — the Italian Parliament's speaker and highest ranking female politician — to an inflatable sex doll.
In the midst of the #metoo movement, it's hard to imagine another country where a leader could get away with telling a woman she's too strong to be loved by a man. That's exactly the message Berlusconi intended for BBC journalist Sofia Bettiza when he said her handshake was so forceful "no-one will marry you."
"Men will think you are going to beat them up... Are you already married? You see? Be careful," Berlusconi advised the reporter.
Comeback king will try again
Italy's Lazarus-like leader can't be prime minister again — at least not right now.
His conviction for tax fraud saw him disqualified from holding public office until at least 2019, though he's indicated his intention to run again once the bar is lifted.
But don't write off the one-time cruise ship crooner just yet. In the event that Italians are forced back to the polls later in the year, Berlusconi will no doubt throw his hat in the ring again. The only thing with the potential to hold him back is another court case against him, due to start shortly.
Berlusconi is accused of bribing witnesses to give false testimony in the trial in which he was accused of paying for sex with a minor. Reports say he is charged with paying (mostly women) millions of euros in the form of cash, jewellery, cars and rent-free apartments to persuade them to stay silent about the true nature of his now infamous "bunga bunga" parties.
Where else in the world would that be the backdrop to a top 10 Spotify list that right now includes the classic little ditty — "Meno male che Silvio c'e". It's the Forza Italia campaign song. Translation: Thank God for Silvio!
Topics: world-politics, government-and-politics, italy