It was at that moment that the Voltron team became aware that a camera was watching them all the time.
NetflixWelcome back to your guide to what's new online. Every week, we put together a podcast that lets you know what's been added to services such as Netflix, Hulu and (sometimes) Amazon Prime. The audio is about a minute or two long.
Apparently, animated cats were very important in the 1980s. We had "Heathcliff," "Garfield," "ThunderCats" and the lions of "Voltron." Netflix and DreamWorks Animation revived "Voltron" two years ago and just released six new episodes of the series today. No word on when we're getting a "Heathcliff" reboot.
Since you're reading this, here's some bonus information you won't find in the podcast: Netflix added "Beerfest" on the first of the month. You can use it as research to learn how to become a pro at drinking Das Boot.
Want to know what else is new? Listen to this guy:
"Voltron" and "Ghostbusters" make their way to Netflix
For more information on what's available to watch online, check out CNET.com/Netpicks or subscribe to the podcast -- it's free! And go to TVGuide.com to see what else is out in the world of streaming.
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