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Posted: 2018-02-23 06:34:23

Socceroos superstar Tom Rogic knows what it's like to leave home as a teenager and chase his football dream. That's why he's taken fellow Canberran Leo Mazis under his wing at Celtic FC.

Mazis signed with the Scottish powerhouse in the January transfer window and has already been earmarked as future first team player after making his debut for the club's development side last Saturday.

The 17-year-old earned a sit down with Celtic manager Brendan Rodgers following the match and has been invited to train with the first team.

It marks a dream start for Mazis as his meteoric rise from Canberra reject to signing with a Champions League club continues for the midfielder.

It's a similar path to Rogic who was overlooked as a junior before breaking into the professional ranks and has become one of the most exciting players in Europe since arriving at Celtic in 2013.

The pair both trained with former Socceroo Andy Bernal and played in the capital for Belconnen United before launching their professional careers.

Between playstation battles and lifts to training, Rogic has been one of Mazis' biggest supporters in Gasgow.

Belconnen United 17-year-old Leo Mazis signed with Celtic FC last month.

Belconnen United 17-year-old Leo Mazis signed with Celtic FC last month. Photo: Sitthixay Ditthavong

Belconnen coach Peter Mazis visited his son earlier this month and was blown away by Celtic's hospitality and left confident that the club will take his boy to the next level.

"It was unbelievable, Brendan went out of his way to come and meet me and told me he was impressed with Leo," Peter said.

"Even the CEO Peter Lawwell came and said hello and reinforced the fact they were looking after him.

"I went out to lunch with his coaches, sat in the VIP player's lounge for the games, it was just brilliant."

Peter was involved in Rogic's development during his junior years and the star striker made the effort to catch up with his old coach.

"I used to coach the ACT junior teams and I knew his old man a bit. I was at the club [Celtic] and there was a knock at the door and Tommy walked in to say hello," Peter said.

"He said he was there for Leo and that he knows what it's like for young Aussie kids coming over and how hard it can be on the parents as well.

"He said his old man felt like he lost a son when he left because you miss birthdays and christmas and he said he'd be taking Leo out for dinner and be there for him if he needed anything.

"They get on the playstation against each other and text each other, Tom is a really good guy and to see him looking after Leo like that is great."

Peter watched several Celtic training sessions and said he'd look to implement some of the Rodgers' tactics during his first season at the helm of Belconnen.

"Without being disrespectful to our players I just need to make it a bit simpler for us because those guys over there train every day, but it was definitely great to see how they do things," Peter said.

"The whole setup is incredible and the focus and drive of the players is there to see, it's an environment Leo is going to thrive in and that fills me with confidence.

"He's played his first game now and Brendan brought him into his office and said 'you're doing well' and I told him 'if the first team coach knows your name you're doing great'," Peter said.

"He's training with the first team and touch wood he continues to improve. It's a great environment with so many internationals and the expectation is if you play for Celtic, you play for your country."

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