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Posted: 2018-02-23 00:59:59

It wasn't that long ago when Hyundai's luxury offerings were looked at as also-rans when compared to their Japanese and European rivals. Those times are over now that Hyundai has had a few years to perfect things with its Genesis model line and Consumer Reports' latest brand ranking which puts the Korean automaker ahead of Audi, BMW and Lexus, proves it.

The Consumer Reports rankings take a number of factors into account. Specifically, it weighs owner satisfaction, reliability, road tests and safety tests to come up with a list of the top 10 brands. Interestingly, Genesis wasn't the only Korean carmaker in the top 10 either, with Kia coming in at no. 7.

"Not many car brands have what it takes to deliver consistent quality across several models and through multiple new launches or redesigns," said Jake Fisher, Consumer Reports' director of automotive testing, in a statement to Automotive News.

Porsche, Subaru, Honda, Tesla and Toyota also make appearances in the top 10. Acura and Buick both faired poorly, thanks to the less-than-stellar reliability of some of their models. Fiat Chrysler also underperformed, mostly based on reliability issues.

So, maybe if you're in the market for a new luxury car, it might be worthwhile dropping by your local Hyundai dealer and checking out Genesis' G80 and G90, because according to Consumer Reports at least, they're probably a lot better than you'd think.

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