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Posted: 2018-02-22 14:19:59

Malcolm Turnbull has dismissed the idea China presents a "threat" to Australia despite new moves by US authorities to counter Chinese political influence, ahead of the Prime Minister's talks on regional security with US President Donald Trump this week.

Mr Turnbull warned against a "cold war" view of China and sought to emphasise its role in preventing a nuclear crisis with North Korea, which he described as the "first" priority in dealing with strategic threats to Australia.

"A threat, technically, is a combination of capability and intent. China has enormous capability of course, it's growing as the country becomes more prosperous and economically stronger. But we do not see any hostile intent from China," Mr Turnbull told Sky News ahead of his visit to Washington DC.

"We don't see the region through what is frankly an out-of-date Cold War prism. Neither, by the way, does Donald Trump. President Trump has a long experience in this part of the world as a businessman. He understands the significance, the economic significance of China's rise and its opportunity."

The US investigation into Russian interference in last year's presidential election has overshadowed concerns about China, but US authorities remain worried by Chinese political influence, foreign investment and trade policy.

A bipartisan group in Congress introduced bills last November to toughen US investment laws out of concern over big Chinese deals, echoing actions in Australia over the last decade to set new hurdles for Chinese and other state-owned enterprises or real estate buyers.

US Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross, who will meet Mr Turnbull on Thursday, has outlined plans to impose new tariffs on steel and aluminium, amid claims in the US that China does not act fairly under World Trade Organisation rules.

Andrew Shearer, senior adviser on Asia-Pacific security at the Centre for Strategic and International Studies in Washington DC, said Mr Turnbull could respond to the US concerns over China to push for more engagement with the region and a rethink on the Trans Pacific Partnership deal.

"People in Washington have been very focused on the reports from Australia about China's political interference in Australia and the government's robust response to that," said Mr Shearer, who served as national security adviser to John Howard and later Tony Abbott in the Prime Minister's Office.

"We've seen reports that the US is now conducting some of its own investigations about China's political activities in the US and, at least in part, that's been triggered by what's been happening in Australia."

Mr Shearer said a view was spreading beyond the Trump administration to include Congress, the security community and business that a "tipping point" had been reached in the relationship with China.

"You'll see that the United States now regards China firmly as a strategic competitor," he said.

While Mr Turnbull used the Sky News interview to suggest his approach was similar to that of Mr Trump, the US appears to be taking a more sceptical approach to China. While Australia gains from huge exports to China, many in the US regard China's manufacturing exports as a threat.

Mr Turnbull named the Trans Pacific Partnership trade agreement as a key way to cement a "rules based order" in the region and restated his hope the US would sign up to the deal despite Mr Trump's fierce objections to it over the last year.

"Down the track it'd be great if the US were able to rejoin," Mr Turnbull told Sky News.

"I don't think that's going to happen anytime soon, but we've structured the TPP 11 so other countries can dock in. There's plenty of interest by the way, including even from the UK."

While there is no sign Mr Trump will stage a sudden about-face on the TPP, the President may be encouraged to soften his stance if the trade deal is presented as a way to cement US economic power in the region against China, which is not part of the TPP.

Mr Shearer said some of Mr Trump's own advisers could be looking for a way to modify the blanket opposition to the TPP.

"I think there are a lot of people in the administration who think that the TPP decision was a setback for US strategy in the region, and you do get the sense that the US is going to look for a way out of that dilemma," he said.

"I don't think it'll happen overnight but it seems to me that the Prime Minister, with this visit, and the rest of the Australian government, need to be working hard at finding ways to bridge that gap and help the United States help come back to a more reasonable position on trade."

Mr Turnbull said he would talk to Mr Trump about ways to ramp up pressure on North Korea, including sanctions.

"There's a risk of conflict there, even nuclear conflict. So we'll be spending a lot of time talking about that and our determination as part of the global community, we'll ratcheting up the economic pressure on North Korea to bring the regime to its sense, to stop its reckless and illegal conduct," he said.

Asked whether Mr Trump should tone down his rhetoric calling North Korean leader Kim Jong-un "little rocket man", the Prime Minster told interviewer Kieran Gilbert: "Well, the President has got his own style and it's a very cut-through style."

US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson laughed off a similar question on the CBS network's 60 Minutes program on Sunday night.

"The President's going to communicate the way he communicates. My job as chief diplomat is to ensure that the North Koreans know we keep our channels open," Mr Tillerson said.

"I'm listening. I'm not sending a lot of messages back because there's nothing to say to them at this point, so I'm listening for you to tell me you're ready to talk."

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