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Posted: 2018-02-21 06:14:19

Vuli Mkwananzi is recalling the day about 10 years ago when hip-hop trio True Vibenation caught their first big break – the chance of a gig at Campbelltown Arts Centre.

"We were stoked just to be paid to play music!" he says.

For Vuli, his twin brother Bheki and their collaborator Gabriel "Klue" Clouston, it's been a big decade since receiving that sweet first pay cheque in western Sydney.

The band has released a slew of EPs and albums and toured Australia and Africa before the high point to date - playing at last year's Glastonbury Festival in front of thousands.

But now the band has come full circle, returning to Campbelltown Arts Centre for an intensive two-week residency.

Vuli and Bheki came to Australia from Zimbabwe aged four, moving to Campbelltown for high school. Vuli played sax in the school band and Bheki trumpet – but their real passion by year 9 was hip-hop.

"The music we were listening to and the music we were making in high school was obviously totally different," Vuli says. "In the high school band, it was stuff like When The Saints Go Marching In."

The pair began writing their own hip-hop tracks and, after a while, "put two and two together", realising they could blend their playing skills with the hip-hop beats, producing something way cooler than anything in a school band.

After meeting Klue, who grew up around Wollongong, the three began shifting their musical focus away from the ubiquitous US scene and towards Africa. 

"We started in hip-hop first and a huge part of that was that it was only African-American people we saw on the TV," Vuli says. "We were still trying to find our way. But over time I think we have come to draw our influence not so much from African-Americans but from Africa – where we were born. It took a long time for us to find value in what already existed."

And, Bheki says, that has led them towards a true African-Australian sound.

"We are taking influences from those African styles but we're also bringing our own thing to the table with the horns and the vocals – and then there's our [Australian] accents as well. It's an African-Australian creation that takes influences from music in Australia and Africa," he says. "Maybe we need a name for the genre."

The Campbelltown residency, which culminates in a gig on Friday night, has seen them record a new EP, put together a live performance and write and shoot a short film with Zimbabwean-born dancers Thuba Ndibali and Pepsie Magonya.

"With this project we really wanted to embrace African music but not the traditional world music you might think of – more what is going on now with stars like Kuduro and afrobeats," Bheki says.

The dance component of the film combines element of pantsula, a dance form that came out of the townships during apartheid, and contemporary dance.

The film's central theme is what it means to grow up African-Australian.

"I grew up in Wollongong where there were almost no African people whatsoever," says Klue, who has Eritrean/New Zealand heritage. "That was a huge thing and raised big questions about identity when I was growing up, particularly as a teenager.

"The themes and specific experiences in the film are something that almost everyone of African descent growing up in Australia - and probably more widely - will see and instantly recognise and the feelings that go with them."

As well as writing music and making the film, the artists have been conducting workshops with youngsters in Campbelltown.

It was similar workshops that were crucial in encouraging their own ambitions when they were teenagers.

"The dudes who were in our position now totally changed our lives to the point where we ended up touring the world," says Klue. "That would never have happened if it wasn't for a workshop at a youth centre. It's crazy how important those things are.

"This is as full circle as it can possibly get. It's a really cool loop."

True Vibenation play Campbelltown Arts Centre on Friday, February 23, at 7pm

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