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Posted: 2018-02-21 04:49:54

A Melbourne live music venue is planning to ban punters from using their mobile phones to film bands because it wants people to "live in the moment".

Cherry Bar, on AC/DC Lane, has proposed the rule after noticing more and more people holding up their devices to record long sections of a gig, which it said was ruining the atmosphere for others.

"The increase in people, not just taking pictures quickly, but holding their arms up like two f---ing windmills with their phone seven feet in the air recording song after song after song has become laughable," said the bar's owner, James Young.

"It's got to the point where someone has to take a stand. It's selfish, it's obnoxious and not considerate of other punters.

"I don't think bands like it either, they want to see people living in the moment."

While a post on the bar's Facebook post suggested the proposal was up for discussion, Mr Young said the idea already had "99 per cent" support and was certain to go ahead.

Mr Young said the ban would not be implemented through force but instead through self-regulation, where patrons who attend Cherry Bar know that filming is not allowed.

Signs will be posted around the venue and near the stage telling them not to film the show.

"We're not going to have security guards slapping phones out of people's hands," he said.

People taking a quick photo of the band wouldn't be disallowed, he said.

While some might attribute the rise in smartphone usage at gigs to younger fans, Mr Young said his experience was that older generations were just as culpable.

The problem was even prevalent in the expensive seats at a recent Rolling Stones concert in Copenhagen, he said.

"The opening track was Sympathy For The Devil and every single c--- had their phone up filming Jagger," he said.

"He locks his eyes on our section and he sings the entire verse to me, everyone else was looking at their f---ing phone."

While Cherry Bar would be among the first Melbourne venues to ban phones at their gigs, some artists have already started asking fans not to film. Jack White recently told people who'd bought tickets for one of his concerts that they would be attending a "phone-free show".

Mr Young said mobile use was creeping in on other parts of people's social lives, such as going out to dinner, and he wanted to stop live music from suffering the same fate.

"We gotta protect what's right for rock and roll," he said.

"We're at the pointy end of a revolution here to protect living in the moment, to protect human interaction."

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