You thought you had to pay real money for bitcoin? Well you could do that, or you could enter Boost Juice's competition and win a bitcoin instead. If you live in Australia, that is.
The Australian company on Monday announced its latest publicity stuff: it's giving away one bitcoin -- an actual full bitcoin, worth (at time of writing) around $10,500 (AU$13,200), each week for four weeks. All prospective entrants need to do is buy a Boost juice and enter a code in the company's iOS or Android app.
Bitcoin is the world's biggest cryptocurrency, a digital store of value that some hope will replace actual monetary transactions in the future.
Boost Juice is an Australian smoothie and juice chain trying to go global. You can't walk into a shopping mall in Australia without spotting at least three Boost Juice bars. They're actually quite delicious. I recommend Brekkie-to-go.
Boost Juice for the competition is teaming up with Coinjar, an Australian cryptocurrency exchange that allows users to buy and sell bitcoin, ethereum, ripple and litecoin. It's an off-the-wall marketing idea that even Boost's marketing team admits might not fly. "[It] made more sense when we were brainstorming," it wrote in an announcement post, "but it's too late now, we're full steam ahead!"