A 62-year-old man has died while trawling for Abalone in Perth's northern beaches.
Surf lifesavers plucked the unconscious man – understood to be a tourist visiting from Asia — 600 metres out to sea near Ocean Reef marina yesterday.
They performed CPR for more than half an hour but the man could not be saved.
Authorities say they are uncertain as to how the fisherman ended out so far to sea despite calm weather conditions.
Witnesses have described hearing grief-stricken family members wailing at the scene.

“I saw ambulance and thought maybe someone's just injured, but when we realised what had happened it was really sad,” Ashley Wilkinson said.
It marks the fifth death of an amateur abalone fisherman off the Perth coast since 2012, despite recent reforms to make the recreation safer. Those reforms included moving the season in to the calmer, summer months.
Regional Fisheries said they currently make safety information available to tourists as part of their focus in curbing fatalities.
Yesterday morning marked the last day of the Abalone fishing season.
An estimated 5000 people fished for abalone in Perth waters, with five tonnes of the delicacy harvested.
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