"A flood warning is in place for the North and West Kimberley district, and a flood watch for the Kimberley and North Pilbara district catchments."
Rainfall is expected to be around 50mm to 150, with some isolated totals set to tip the scales at 300mm.
"Forecast rainfall in the affected catchments is expected to result in significant river rises, areas of flooding and may adversely affect road conditions," the warning states.
"Some roads may become impassable and some communities may become isolated."
There are already restrictions in place for the Great Northern Highway as road repairs are still in progress from previous cyclones, and the road could be set for closure again over the weekend.
"It is anticipated that the Great Northern Highway between Roebuck Roadhouse and Sandfire Roadhouse may be closed for an extended period on the weekend if predicted rainfall eventuates," emergency services said.
"Short term closures may also occur on other sections of the Great Northern Highway in the Kimberley over the weekend.
"The Gibb River Road is also likely to be closed to all vehicles by the end of the week."
Sandfire Roadhouse to Roebuck Roadhouse is currently open, but Main Roads WA has advised extreme caution to all vehicles as water over floodways is still receding.
Roebuck Roadhouse to Willare Roadhouse is also open with extreme caution to all vehicles, and water is still currently over road.
Emergency services issued a blue alert for people between the Juri Bay and Wallal in the Kimberley on Thursday afternoon, and advised locals to start preparing for the predicted dangerous weather.
- Get ready for dangerous weather by preparing your home inside and out.
- Secure or remove loose material from around your home.
- Ensure your emergency kit is complete and check your family knows what to do.
A cyclone watch alert is also current for Kuri Bay through to Whim Creek, including Broome and Port Hedland, and inland parts of western Kimberley and east Pilbara.
- You should review your family cyclone plan and the community alerts system, and make sure everyone knows what to do.
- You should prepare your home inside and out.
- Keep up to date with the development of the cyclone through radio, television or the internet.
It's the fifth tropical cyclone of the season for the state's North West, and many Kimberley and Pilbara communities are still attempting to rebuild after Cyclone Joyce, Hilda and Irving.
All three cyclones hit over the course of just three months.
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