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Posted: 2018-02-15 16:36:24

Debates between Queensland MPs will be limited and committee meetings shifted to a different day under reforms to parliamentary sessional orders.

Changes that include scrapping some private members' motions and capping parliamentary proceedings to 7.30pm on Tuesdays and Wednesdays and 6.30pm on Thursdays were passed by a majority vote in state parliament on Thursday.

It will also see committee meetings moved from Wednesday to Monday, a cause of frustration among some regional MPs who will now have to travel to Brisbane on a Sunday.

Members will still have the option to move a motion allowing sittings to run longer.

The state government argued capping work hours would bring Queensland into line with other states by creating a more "family friendly" environment for MPs and parliamentary staff, while the opposition Liberal National Party said it was an attempt to suppress accountability.

"They are shutting down the opposition and the crossbench's ability to hold this government to account in this house exactly as we are put here by our electorates to do," LNP leader Deb Frecklington said.

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