THE war of words between the Northern Territory Government and the Commonwealth over funding for the royal commission into youth justice has continued, with CLP Senator Nigel Scullion labelling Chief Minister Michael Gunner “hysterical”.
Mr Scullion told the Australian he was “seriously concerned” at the Territory’s handling of federal money.
“The Commonwealth invested $4.2 billion in the NT last year yet Michael Gunner can’t seem to account for it,” he said. Mr Gunner has objected strongly to a planned audit of money spent in the NT by both levels of government.
Mr Gunner’s deputy Nicole Manison fired back, claiming Mr Scullion and NT Opposition Leader Gary Higgins had forsaken the Territory in favour of Canberra interests.
“Senator Scullion should be fighting for Australian Government money to implement the recommendations of the royal commission — not do more inquiries — because they haven’t allocated $1 extra dollar,” she said.
“There have already been 50 inquiries into the NT — we need to get on with fixing the system so we get kids on the right path and not break them.”