The furore over Barnaby Joyce’s baby is proof that the media and Australians of a particular mindset have completely and utterly lost the plot.
The man had an affair with a colleague and his marriage is over. A big deal to those personally connected to him, but completely irrelevant to the rest of us.
Heat turned up on Joyce
The Labor Party has grilled the government over what the PM knew about a job created for Barnaby Joyce's girlfriend.
As his interview unfolded with Leigh Sales on ABC’s 7.30, Twitter exploded with #SSM rage (hey, you won, remember?). “Barnaby the hypocrite!” “Barnaby gets all he deserves for trashing the sanctity of the institution he so righteously defended during the debate!” “Barnaby, don’t tell us to get out of your bedroom when you pontificated about what we should do in ours!”
Blah blah blah. On and on it went. Column inches dedicated to whether the baby’s mother should have been tabloid paparazzi fodder. But she ''looks great'' in her gym shorts, cried Samantha Maiden, defending the publication of the story.
“What a bastard! Think of his wife and daughters!” cried another.
“But the baby-mummy got promoted!” they said, underscoring an unfortunate assumption that a competent woman in her professional career could surely only have secured a promotion due to sleeping with her superior. Wow, we’ve really come a long way, haven’t we?
Here’s a few alternative facts for the baying mob. A consenting man and a woman had a relationship and are having a baby. Barnaby Joyce, as leader of the National Party, had a duty and an obligation to put forward a view about the same-sex marriage debate. You can believe in marriage and still stuff one up – just ask 40 per cent of Australians.
A woman who is good enough to be a media adviser to the deputy leader of this country is probably pretty good at her job and why the hell shouldn’t she be entitled to a promotion at some point?

Unfortunately, we’ve reached the point in Australia where we rush to take sides, throwing potshots at each other and people in power so easily that it’s a wonder anyone would ever put themselves forward for public office.
In his 7.30 interview, Joyce hinted at the sacrifices he’s made and the regrets he has about the failure of his marriage. “But he did wrong by both women!” came the breathless cry, because he didn’t directly address the question about his new baby’s mother and their relationship, nor did he burst into tears and beg for his wife’s forgiveness on national television.
As Maiden as much as said in her piece, the media were annoyed that Joyce didn't come to the party earlier and give up the story himself. Clearly, he’s now incurring the wrath for not doing that.
Reports within Parliament point to Joyce acting in a ‘'paranoid’' and ‘'irrational’' manner last year as the worst (until now) of his personal drama unfolded.
So much work has been done advocating for, and helping people – especially men – deal with mental stress and depression. It all rings very hollow when citizens are passing the popcorn around as a vacuous media outdoes itself with scoring tawdry titbits from a personal crisis in the name of evaluating whether taxpayer dollars were spent on laundering sheets slept on by two, not one.
Marital separation and divorce are in the top three most stressful life events. Sure, maybe Joyce is to blame for being in the position he is, but do we really need to draw the wagons around him and finish him off?
There are no winners in any of this. Certainly not Vikki Campion, who is now subject to not only unbearable scrutiny and public criticism in the last stages of her pregnancy, but also aspersions on her professional capability.
It’s time to stop publicly shaming and humiliating individuals who, like them or not, have chosen to serve our country in public office. Impropriety in a marriage by someone who campaigned about its traditions doesn’t entitle us to deliver judgment, nor to punish those whose only crime may have been to show a lack of it.
Diana Elliott is a freelance writer.