A MELBOURNE surgeon who died after a fatal one-punch attack had just told off his alleged assailant for smoking outside the hospital, a court has been told.
Joseph Esmaili, 22, is facing the first day of his committal hearing, charged with the manslaughter of Patrick Pritzwald-Stegmann near the entrance of Box Hill Hospital on May 30.
Mr Pritzwald-Stegmann had finished his shift when he saw a group of people smoking in the non-smoking area outside the hospital, crown prosecutor Mark Gibson SC said.
He went back inside and asked reception to call for security.
Esmaili, who was among the group of smokers, then entered the hospital where he had a confrontation with Mr Pritzwald-Stegmann.
CCTV footage played to the court shows the two men talking closely before the accused launches a single punch, felling Mr Pritzwald-Stegmann who hit his head on the tiled floor, unconscious.
Mr Gibson said the surgeon had just told Esmaili the area where he was smoking outside the hospital was a non-smoking area and requested he leave.
During the confrontation, the surgeon was also heard saying to the accused: “Did you just spit in my face?” before the accused man told him: “I need you to suck my d**k”.
Witness Darren Haynes said Mr Pritzwald-Stegmann’s fall made a “huge thud”.
“I saw and heard the noise of a ten-pin bowling ball hitting the floor, ” he told the court.
The hearing continues.