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Posted: 2018-02-12 04:07:52

A West Australian farmer turned fine artist has commandeered a team of 45 glider pilots to collaborate on a massive glider sculpture to be unveiled at this year's Sculpture by the Sea.

Geoff Overheu farmed cattle, sheep and wheat for 25 years in Dalwallinu and Gingin before retraining as an artist at Tafe, then Curtin University and finally Melbourne.

Behind the scenes: sculptor Geoff Overheu

This year's Sculptures by the Sea in Perth features artwork from over 70 local, national and international artists, including Geoff Overheu of Gingin. Courtesy Geoff Overheu and Beverley Soaring Society.

"It was one of those serendipitous things," he said.

"You always have a yearning for making and creating and this was just how it turned out."

He's spent the past 14 years creating sculptures, films, photographs and paintings in his studio outside Gingin, which are exhibited around the world.

Six years ago Overheu fell in love with gliding, flying aircraft without a motor, relying only on the thermals in the air.

In doing so, he formed a vast network of friends at Beverly Soaring Society, whose 100-odd members range from 15-85 years old, from day jobs as diverse as labouring and medicine to teaching.

The club, 110 kilometres east of Perth, was one of the country's most active and successful, Overheu said.

In gliding, hard aircraft of 350 kilograms or more were towed up by a "pair aircraft" to 2000-3000 feet and then "unhooked".  

"Then you're free – depending on the day and weather we can effectively stay up without a motor for anywhere up to seven or eight hours of the day, just using the heat and the thermals," Overheu said.

"It's absolutely fantastic, this sense of freedom, to be able to go anywhere in the sky.  

"A lot of professional guys do it, and it lets them unwind from their daily stresses. It is addictive."

Members had done up to 1000 kilometres in a day, he said – as long as the sun was producing heat and creating energy. There was plenty of skill and training involved, but the beauty was its relative affordability compared to ordinary flying, as the aircraft did not have motors to maintain. The club now comprised 45 private aircraft and eight club machines.

Recently, this collection welcomed a 1950s Blanik glider, originally built in the former Czechoslovakia.

It sowed the seed of an idea in Overheu, who said the Blanik represented the pinnacle of innovation and engineering in its time.

Thousands had been built; every club in the world had had one and every pilot learned their skill on one. They were still flying around as late as 2010. But by now they had reached the end of their natural lives and the design had been superseded.

Contemplating this, Overheu got a picture in his head. He made a model, and showed it to his fellow club members. What if, he said, using their diverse set of professions, they could transform the vintage machine into art?

"A lot of my work is based around modernism, the ending of something," he said.

"An aeroplane, like a shopping trolley or a car, is symbolic of modernism, which is coming to an end, we are coming into an unknown.

"Pilots being pilots, they are highly motivated guys, the lot of them. So once I got them on board it wasn't difficult."

They submitted their preliminary designs to Sculpture by the Sea. It was accepted in August, and since then dozens of men have spent their weekends driving in and out of the Gingin studio for a series of busy bees, stripping the aircraft to its frame and rebuilding it according to a constantly evolving vision.

An engineer carried out the technical work to ensure the 500-kilogram beast could stand two metres above the sand and withstand Cottesloe's strong winds. Other tradesmen worked with the fibreglass. A computer expert created graphics for the original submissions. Others constructed the wooden framing to lift the 500-kilogram beast up and down.

"It's on a classical Corinthian plinth, which holds up this modernist symbol that's pointing down, running out of energy, headed out to sea," Overheu said.

"It's the ending of something.

"Everyone will see that differently."

He said it had been an experience in itself, bringing together a group of non-artists for a task "right out of their comfort zone".

"They have really come on board and dived into it. It's interesting because sport and culture is usually very clearly delineated in Australia," he said.

The sculpture is still being painted, with the final look yet to be unveiled.

Sculpture by the Sea is expected to attract more than 200,000 people for its three-week show at Cottesloe Beach from March 2-19.

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