Bloody hell. Talk about a minefield. Since the revelations about the Deputy Prime Minister’s complicated private life, there has been a great deal of criticism of us in the media for “sitting on the story”, when it was actually in the public interest to run a story about a powerful politician living a lie, while running on family values, the sanctity of marriage and the virtues of a conservative religious life.
In response, I say two things. Of course I heard the rumours. We all did. But the rumours I heard, and many of us heard, were much worse, and didn’t turn out to be remotely true at all.

But yes, even if I had received a dossier with proof of the whole thing a month ago, I would still, frankly, be inclined to burn it as none of my damn business.
I don’t, however, criticise the Tele for breaking the story, once it had the actual story locked down. Their defence, that it was all going to come out anyway, is valid, though the photo of Joyce’s pregnant partner was, of course, beyond intrusive.

Through it all, the most telling point was the one made by Clementine Ford. Just imagine the Deputy PM was an ALP female, and had become impregnated to a staffer a couple of decades her junior. What then? And would Barnaby Joyce himself be leading the charge then, saying that what is private is private?
Molan outdone by Trump
As to the Senator Jim Molan imbroglio, the most apposite comment came from the managing director of HawkerBritton, Simon Banks: “So @JimMolan still won't say sorry for posting doctored race-hate videos from a group that inspired the murder of a UK Labour MP @abc730 When @realDonaldTrump - faced with those same facts did - unconditionally #letthatsinkin."
I have let that sink in, and still can’t quite credit it. And I also agree with the tweet of a senior writer from The Guardian who asked, if Malcolm Turnbull doesn’t think a public dressing down for posting that kind of stuff is worth it, what exactly would it take?
The Post a ripper
Saw the Meryl Streep/Tom Hanks movie, The Post, last Saturday evening with Mrs TFF. It was fabulous and inspiring. Run, don’t walk, to see it. Does she ever do a dud movie, come to think of it?
Not that I can think of.
Joke of the Week
“Hello! Is this Gordon's Pizza?”
“No sir, it's Google Pizza – we bought Gordon’s Pizza last month. Do you want your usual, sir?”
“My usual? You know me?”
“According to our caller ID data, the last 12 times you called you ordered an extra-large pizza with cheese, sausage, pepperoni, mushrooms on a thick crust.”
“OK! That’s what I want.”
“May I suggest that this time you order a pizza with ricotta, arugula, sun-dried tomatoes, and olives on a whole-wheat gluten-free thin crust?”
“No, you may not! I don't like vegetables.”
“Your cholesterol needs help, sir.”
“How the hell do you know?”
“We cross-referenced your mobile with your medical records, and have the result of your blood tests for the last seven years.”
“Listen, I don't want your vegetable pizza, and I take medication for my cholesterol!
“Excuse me sir, but you don't take your medication regularly. Our database indicates that you only filled a prescription for 30 cholesterol tablets once, at Soul Pharmacy, four months ago.
“I bought the rest at another pharmacy.”
“Not according to your credit card statement.”
“I paid in cash.”
“Sir, you didn't withdraw enough cash according to your bank statement.”
“I have other sources of cash.”
“That doesn’t show on your last tax return, unless you bought them using an undeclared income source, which is against the law.”
“WHAT THE HELL?! Goodbye, I'm sick of Google, Facebook, Twitter, and all this crap. I'm moving to an island without internet, cable TV, mobiles and jerks watching and spying on me.
“I understand sir, but you need to renew your passport first. It expired six weeks ago.”
Quotes of the Week
“This is Ground Control to Major Tom …”
Music playing from Elon Musk’s rocket launched last week. It is designed to deliver a maximum payload to low-Earth orbit of 64 tonnes - the equivalent of putting five London double-decker buses in space.
“Pigs might fly.“
Bill Shorten's reply to the idea that the government might get company tax cuts through Parliament if big businesses agree to spend the saved money to raise wages and capital spending.
“At first it was a little bit of a shock and stuff like that, but I guess it just makes me feel a bit proud and a little bit honoured that I can be the first one.”
Ice skater Harley Windsor on being the first Indigenous athlete to represent Australia in the Winter Olympic Games.
“Almost everyone we breathalysed was very drunk.”
Amy Pedan of the Royal Life Saving Society, about the river users tested on Australia Day on the Murray River, which holds the record as the worst location for river drownings in Australia.
“It is completely unsurprising that faced with the opportunity to re-price their loan book as a consequence of regulatory changes, banks did just that.”
From the Productivity Commission inquiry, which says that Australian banks are exploiting their most loyal customers and the Turnbull government’s $6.2 billion bank levy will end in higher fees for consumers.
“We don’t even find out about things quite often, because the government has decided that we’re irrelevant. We got sick of being called by the government last, quite frankly.”
Senator David Leyonhjelm, suffering badly from Relevance Deprivation Syndrome, about why he and senators Cory Bernardi and Fraser Anning have formed an alliance, despite being nominally from different parties.
Twitter: @Peter_Fitz