Bangkok: The United Nations and United States have demanded an independent investigation into a massacre in Myanmar’s violence-wracked Rakhine State that has been revealed in an explosive investigation by Reuters news agency.
The investigation prompted Myanmar police to imprison two Reuters reporters who face 15 years jail on a charge of violating the country’s colonial-era Official Secrets Act.

In a 4662-page report Reuters reveals the reporters Wa Lone,31, and Kyaw Seo Oo,27, helped uncover evidence, including photos, that police ordered villagers to assist in the killing, dismemberment and burial of 10 Rohingya Muslims in a mass grave in Inn Din, a fishing village 50 kilmetres north of the Rakhine capital Sittwe.
“One grave for 10 people,” said a retired soldier who told Reuters he helped dig the pit and witness the slaughter of eight men and two boys.

“When they were buried, some were still making noises. Others were already dead,” the man said.
Several other massacres and widespread atrocities, including the slaughter of children and babies, have already been uncovered in Rakhine, home to 1.1 million Rohingya.
Reuters quotes Buddhist and Muslim witnesses in an account of the days leading up to what happened in Inn Din on the morning of September 2 which includes details of an order by military commanders to “go and clear” villages where Rohingya were living.
Days earlier the military had begun a sweeping offensive against Rohingya after insurgents attacks on 30 police posts.
“If they have a place to live, if they have food to eat, they can carry out more attacks,” one of the policemen who took part in the operation said.
“That’s why we burned their houses, mainly for security reasons.”
The investigation will intensify pressure on Australia which has refused to condemn Myanmar’s government led by Nobel laureate Aung San Suu Kyi or to cut the Australian Defence Force’s training and other support to the country’s military.
The United Nations described details of the Reuters report as “alarming” and showed the need for a “full and thorough investigation” into atrocities in Rakhine that could amount to crimes against humanity.
US State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert said details of the Inn Din massacre highlights the urgent need for Myanmar authorities to cooperate with an independent investigation.
“Such an investigation would help provide a more comprehensive picture of what happened, clarify the identities of the victims, identify those responsible for human rights abuses and violations and advance efforts for justice and accountability,” she said.
Human rights and free media advocates are demanding the release from prison of Wa Lone and Kyaw Seo Ooo who have been refused bail ahead of a trial.
Reuters editor-in-chief Stephen J.Adler said his company’s primary focus has been on the safety of the two reporters who had been consulted about publication of the report.
Myanmar has banned outsiders, including UN investigators, visiting the massacre site.
Matthew Smith from the campaign group Fortify Rights said the “international community needs to stop stalling and do what’s necessary to hold accountable those who are responsible” for the Inn Din massacre before “evidence is tainted or lost, memories fade and more people suffer.”
Almost 700,000 Rohingya have fled Rakhine, on Myanmar’s western fringe, for squalid refugee camps in Bangladesh since August.
Despite tracing their presence in Rakhine back centuries, Rohingya have been denied basic rights in Buddhist-majority Myanmar, the country also called Burma, where they are seen as Bangladeshi interlopers.
The Reuters account of what happened in Inn Din is contradicted by Myanmar’s military, which claimed the victims were “terrorists” who had attacked security forces.
A Myanmar government spokesman said any “strong, reliable primary evidence” of abuses would be investigated.
The government has backed the military’s denial of involvement in atrocities in Rakhine despite overwhelming evidence documented by the UN, human rights groups and media outlets, including Fairfax Media.