John Perry Barlow, a former cowpoke, Republican politician and lyricist for the Grateful Dead whose affinity for wide open spaces and free expression transformed him into a leading defender of an unfettered internet, died Wednesday at his home in San Francisco. He was 70.
His death was confirmed by the Electronic Frontier Foundation, which he helped found in San Francisco in 1990. No cause was given, but the organization said he had been ailing after a heart attack in 2015.

At his death, Barlow was a vice chairman of the foundation, which has been in the vanguard of legal challenges to government constraints on cyberspace — a term he helped popularise in 1990 to describe boundless digital telecommunications networks.
"There are a lot of similarities between cyberspace and open space," Barlow, who was raised on his family's 22,000-acre cattle ranch in Wyoming, told People magazine in 1995. "There is a lot of room to define yourself. You can literally make yourself up."

His plea for an open internet was inspired, in part, by the Grateful Dead's uncommon practice of welcoming audiences to record the band's concerts.
Lawyers recruited or supported by the Electronic Frontier Foundation were instrumental in winning court rulings that granted electronic mail the same privacy protection as telephone calls, and that defined written software code as free speech guaranteed by the First Amendment.
The foundation was formed by Barlow; Mitchell Kapor, former president of Lotus Development Corp.; and John Gilmore, one of the first employees of Sun Microsystems.
In 1995, Kapor called Barlow "the uncrowned poet laureate of cyberspace."
Cindy Cohn, the foundation's executive director, said in a statement that Barlow "was sometimes held up as a straw man for a kind of naïve techno-utopianism that believed that the internet could solve all of humanity's problems without causing any more."
But his "lasting legacy," she said, "is that he devoted his life to making the internet into 'a world where anyone, anywhere may express his or her beliefs, no matter how singular, without fear of being coerced into silence or conformity'."
More than a defender of the internet, Barlow had many guises in an uneven evolution from an only child whose nearest neighbour lived four miles away to a corporate consultant and citizen of the world.
From around 1971 until the Grateful Dead disbanded after founding member Jerry Garcia's death in 1995 (though the group periodically reunited in different configurations and under different names for many years after, and performed what were billed as its last concerts in 2015), he wrote lyrics for such well-known songs as Estimated Prophet, Cassidy, The Music Never Stopped, Mexicali Blues and Hell in a Bucket.
He contributed to 30 Grateful Dead songs, many with guitarist and singer Bob Weir, a founding member, and others with keyboardists Brent Mydland and Vince Welnick.
Barlow said he had decided to try his hand at writing lyrics mostly to attract women. "I thought it was a misuse of the holy gift of poetry," he said. "Then I realised, this is what poetry has always been for."
He was born on October 3, 1947, in northwestern Wyoming, on a ranch a great-uncle had started in 1907. His parents were Norman Barlow, a Republican state legislator, and the former Miriam Jenkins.
John attended a one-room elementary school. Brought up in the Mormon faith, he was barred from watching television until he was in the sixth grade.
Later at Fountain Valley School in Colorado he forged a lifelong friendship with Weir, a guitar-toting fellow student who would found the Grateful Dead with Garcia and others in 1965.
He graduated in 1969 at Wesleyan University in Connecticut with a degree in comparative religion.
Passing up an opportunity to attend Harvard Law School, Barlow embarked instead on a journey to India and other destinations to complete a novel, which was never published.
A memoir, Mother American Night: My Life in Crazy Times, which Barlow wrote with Robert Greenfield, is to be published this year.
Barlow joined the Grateful Dead as a nonresident lyricist in the early 1970s. In 1972, after his father died, he returned to Wyoming to manage the family's debt-ridden ranch. (Jaqueline Onassis sent John F. Kennedy Jr. to work as a wrangler there in 1978.) Barlow remained there for almost 20 years while continuing to contribute lyrics to the Grateful Dead.
In Wyoming, he was chairman of the Sublette County Republican Party and a coordinator for the 1978 congressional campaign of Dick Cheney, whose conservative politics Barlow later disavowed.
His 1977 marriage to Elaine Parker ended in divorce. In 1994 his fiancé, Dr. Cynthia Horner, died suddenly. His survivors include three daughters, Amelia, Anna and Leah, and a granddaughter.
His preoccupation with the internet dated from the mid-1980s, when he began using a computer to manage the ranch's finances. In 1986 he became a director of the WELL (the initials stand for Whole Earth 'Lectronic Link), an online community that drew members from the worlds of music, publishing and technology.
"On the WELL, he is the No. 1 digital Deadhead, equal parts beat poet and P.T. Barnum," Craig Bromberg wrote in The New York Times Magazine in 1991.
Barlow, an emeritus fellow of the Berkman Klein Centre for Internet and Society at Harvard University, was also a founder of the Freedom of the Press Foundation in San Francisco, which promotes adversarial reporting and internet advocacy. The foundation's president is Edward Snowden, the former government intelligence analyst who leaked secret documents to journalists in 2013.
Yet for all Barlow's internet advocacy, there were limits to his own internet use. He came to complain about feeling "constantly oppressed by all of the beeping and buzzing and whining" of computers, and by "discussion groups on the net, which I found very easy to leave once the signal-to-noise ratio deteriorated to the point where I didn't dig it any more."
Still, in 1996 he issued a declaration of independence for — not from — the internet.
It proclaimed: "Governments of the Industrial World, you weary giants of flesh and steel, I come from Cyberspace, the new home of Mind. On behalf of the future, I ask you of the past to leave us alone."
He championed not only a right to speak freely on the web but also what he called "a right to know" all the information that it offers. And he endorsed the creation of communities through encounters in cyberspace.
But he warned against "the modern plague of boredom," which he attributed to society's desire to homogenize human experience, from fast food to television.
"I remember one of the few truly Buddhist things that my very non-Buddhist Wyoming mother said to me when I was little," he told the social theorist bell hooks in 1995 on, a Buddhist website. "I'd complain about being bored and she'd say, 'Anyone who's bored isn't paying close enough attention'."