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Posted: 2018-02-08 18:57:30

Share your journey, news tips, interesting pictures, video and comments with other Melbourne Express readers via email or on Twitter @ebonybowden.

Beautiful Melbourne.
Beautiful Melbourne. Photo: Robert Blackburn
melbourne express icons - police
Chux the carjacker.
Chux the carjacker. Photo: Supplied

A would-be carjacker has tried to force a woman out of her Mercedes Benz in an unusual face covering: a Chux superwipe.

The man approached a woman who was sitting in her car while parked at Mullum Mullum Reserve in Donvale about 1pm on Sunday.

Carrying a crowbar, he made demands for her to exit her car but she refused and he fled on foot toward the intersection of Springvale and Reynolds roads.

He was wearing a dark beanie, black long-sleeved top, light coloured pants and the Chux superwipe.

Unfortunately he has made a clean getaway. Anyone with information should contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

melbourne express icons - opening and closing strap

Good morning and happy Friday!

I'll be with you until 9am. Get in touch if you've got any tips, pictures or comments to share.

The coffee machine at Media House is working and all is right in the world.

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