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Posted: 2018-02-08 13:55:23

The public apology has become one of the more compelling events in Australian parliamentary ritual, one with the power to stamp significance upon a prime ministership.

Kevin Rudd ensured his leadership would be remembered when he chose as his first major act to apologise to the Indigenous Stolen Generations.

Julia Gillard apologised to all those affected by the era of forced adoptions, when babies were routinely taken from single mothers.

And now, Malcolm Turnbull has promised an apology by the end of this year to the victims of institutionalised child sexual abuse.

The idea of apologising for past and enduring suffering was once controversial.

In the 1990s and the early part of the new century, John Howard refused to apologise to Indigenous people for past policies of removing children from their parents, rejecting it as representing what he called the “black armband view of history”.

Rudd’s apology in February, 2008, turned that approach on its head, and is still remembered as the most emotion-charged occasion in the House of Representatives.

The public galleries were packed with the victims and families of the Stolen Generations, the overflow extending to the Great Hall and the parliamentary lawns, to hear an Australian leader’s long-awaited words.

“For the pain, suffering and hurt of these stolen generations, their descendants and for their families left behind, we say sorry,” Rudd intoned. "To the mothers and fathers, the brothers and sisters, for the breaking up of families and communities, we say sorry."

Rudd’s words were broadcast across the nation - on giant screens in big-city gathering places like Federation Square in Melbourne and Martin Place in Sydney - and in schools and clubs and pubs everywhere.

Rudd promised that he and the then leader of the opposition, Dr Brendan Nelson, would jointly lead a new policy commission, a sort of war cabinet, to develop and implement a new housing strategy for remote communities. If it worked well, its next task would be to build bipartisan agreement that Indigenous Australians would be recognised in the Australian constitution - a proposal still unfulfilled in 2018.

Gillard’s apology was made in the Great Hall of Parliament House on March 21, 2013. It was to all those mothers and children and other family members affected by policies that extended from the 1950s through the 1970s. Babies at the time were forcibly removed from single mothers and put up for adoption.

“Today, this Parliament, on behalf of the Australian people, takes responsibility and apologises for the policies and practices that forced the separation of mothers from their babies which created a lifelong legacy of pain and suffering," she told more than 800 people, many of them weeping.

"We deplore the shameful practices that denied you, the mothers, your fundamental rights and responsibilities to love and care for your children.”

And now, in the wake of the royal commission into institutional responses to child sexual abuse - an inquiry ordered by Gillard - it is Mr Turnbull’s turn to choose the right words to begin the healing for those who have survived great and continuing suffering at the hands of those who were supposed to care.

Turnbull began with a statement to Parliament on Thursday when he identified three words that would begin the process: “I believe you”.

“Reading some of the witness statements,” he said of the royal commission’s report, “It’s clear that being heard and being believed means so much to the survivors, so much more than many of us would imagine.”

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