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Posted: 2018-02-08 14:00:53

Painkillers containing the opioid codeine, like Panadeine and Nurofen Plus, are no longer available without prescription amidst concerns about addiction, serious side effects and rising codeine-related deaths.

Yet other commonly available painkillers like Panadol can also cause serious damage if taken too often. And emerging evidence suggests the impact of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) like Nurofen, Ibuprofen and Voltaren could be more far-reaching than previously thought, including serious bowel injury and autoimmune disease.

It's common knowledge that too much paracetamol can damage the hardworking liver. It's also well established that excessive NSAIDS use increases risk of heart attack or stroke, and stomach problems like bleeding and ulcers.

But problems could extend further down the digestive tract. Professor John Wallace's team from the University of Calgary reports, "the small intestinal damage caused by NSAIDS is much more common and much more serious than previously recognised."

One of these problems could be increased intestinal permeability, known as "leaky gut". The intestinal gut lining (epithelium) has the complex job of letting nutrients into the bloodstream while protecting it against toxins, undigested food and pathogens. It also contains around 90 per cent of the body's immune cells; gatekeepers to the outside world.

When this lining is weakened, unwanted substances can enter the blood. 

According to Dr Erika Utzeri, University of Cagliari, Italy, 60-70 per cent of long-term NSAID users develop complications from serious damage to the small and large bowel lining, including leaky gut. Utzeri's team suggests the resulting flow of harmful substances into the circulation adversely impacts the liver as it struggles to process them.

Leaky gut may also contribute to the rising incidence of autoimmune diseases, which afflict one in twenty Australians. 

Researchers have identified over 80 autoimmune diseases including rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis, type 1 diabetes, inflammatory bowel, coeliac and Hashimoto's disease. These occur when the body's immune system starts attacking its own cells instead of foreign invaders; the diseases just differ in the body organs that are targeted.

Megan Smyth, PhD candidate from the University of Glasgow, explains that "when harmful/toxic molecules cross the protective barrier and 'leak' into the blood stream, the immune system is activated, and inflammation occurs."

"The immune system produces antibodies to fight off the foreign molecules and because the foreign molecules sometimes resemble those of human tissue, our own antibodies begin to attack."

Traditionally, it was thought NSAIDS affect the gut because they block enzymes that make prostaglandins. Prostaglandins have many important functions in the body; hence the risk of side effects when they are shut down. 

Two enzymes targeted by NSAIDS are cyclooxygenase (COX)-1, which heals and protects bodily tissue including the gut lining, and COX-2, which reduces inflammation – in turn relieving pain. 

Emerging evidence indicates the microbiome – comprising 100 trillion bacteria and other microscopic organisms that live mainly in the gut – may complete the puzzle.

Smyth says, "the microbiome helps the epithelial cells by protecting them, preventing pathogenic growth on the gut wall and fortifying the bonds between the cells to prevent the passage of harmful molecules into the bloodstream."

Assistant Professor Xin M Luo's team, from the Virginia-Maryland College of Veterinary Medicine, USA, hypothesise that leaky gut is "a danger signal for autoimmune diseases". 

Many lifestyle factors like diet and antibiotics affect the microbiome; research now points to NSAIDS as well.

Associate Professor Mary Rogers' team from the University of Michigan investigated study participants' medication use and gut bacteria from stool samples. She says NSAIDS were the most commonly reported medications, and that "people who used NSAIDs had a different gut microbiome profile than that of non-users."

Professor Susan Prescott MD, immunology expert and co-author of The Secret Life of Your Microbiome from the University of Western Australia says, "There is very little doubt that the microbiome is involved in autoimmune diseases, and other inflammatory disorders associated with immune dysregulation."

"Whether this is cause or effect, and to what extent this may offer remedies or pathways to prevention is a matter of ongoing scientific exploration."

In 2015, Australian Statistics in Medicine reported 6.7 million NSAIDS and 7 million paracetamol prescriptions – that doesn't include over the counter sales.

The risk of side effects is not trivial, considering one in five Australians suffer chronic pain at some stage. Racking up $34 billion each year, chronic pain is the country's third most costly health concern, compounded by increased risk of problems like depression, anxiety and social isolation. 

Painaustralia and the Royal Australian College of General Practitioners are calling for alternative approaches to chronic pain management like physiotherapy, acupuncture, diet and massage. To this end, Painaustralia has created a National Pain Strategy.

Emma Karran, physiotherapist and PhD candidate with pain expert Professor Lorimer Moseley at the University of South Australia, says "best-practice pain management often requires coordinated inter-disciplinary assessment and addressing a combination of physical, psychological, and environmental factors." 

This may include cognitive behavioural therapy, exercise, and education. "There is evidence that educating individuals about pain – and what it means – can be helpful for achieving pain relief and reducing pain-related disability," Karran says.

So people living with chronic pain may take heart that options are available to supplement appropriate painkiller use where necessary, and avoid amplifying suffering with excessive or long-term use.

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