(M) Selected cinemas (94 minutes)
Nobody's perfect. Clint Eastwood has probably forgotten more about directing than most directors will ever learn – and all that he has forgotten is apparent in this movie, the worst he has ever put his name to.
Trailer: The 15:17 to Paris
Three Americans discover a terrorist plot aboard a train while in France.
What was he thinking? In retelling the story of the three American friends (and one British stranger) who disarmed and subdued a Moroccan-born gunman in a train in France in 2015, Eastwood has cast many of the real participants – principally the three boyhood friends from Sacramento, California. Anthony Sadler, Alek Skarlatos and Spencer Stone play themselves, along with a few other people who were on the train – including Mark Moogalian, an American-born Frenchman who was shot in the neck.
The convention in "true story" movies like this is to use trained actors and show the real people at the end, but Eastwood gave himself an added degree of difficulty that defies all logic. They may be heroes but they are not actors – with the possible exception of Spencer Stone, who does a good job playing himself.
It's not their fault: if Eastwood wanted to cast them, the least he could have done was direct them. Instead, he moves them around a series of locations allowing them to just "be themselves".
Maybe he thought he could build the movie around them with a decent script, but he must have left that at home. This one aspires to the level of a sappy "movie of the week" – and then falls short. It has 10 good minutes, and you can guess which events they cover. The rest is a mixture of patriotism, sentimentalism, god-bothering and flag-waving … and you can also guess which flag he's waving.
A third of the movie takes place in Sacramento around 2005, when Alex, Anthony and Spencer are misfit schoolboys, finding friendship with each other. Judy Greer and Jenna Fischer play single mums trying to bring up good boys, but Spencer (William Jennings) and Alex (Bryce Gheisar) are always in trouble, even when they're sent to a religious school where intolerance is part of the curriculum. Here they meet the black kid Anthony Sadler (Paul-Mikel Williams), who teaches them how to be cool dudes.
Eastwood shows the place of God in the life of the two mothers – and its absence in the school principal, who tells Heidi Skarlatos (Fischer) that her boy would be better off with his father. One curious aspect: we never meet Anthony Sadler's parents. His home life remains a mystery.
These scenes flow like treacle and then the movie really slows down. The real heroes reappear to play their 20-year-old selves. Spencer keeps trying to become an Air Force search and rescue person, and failing. We see him learning how to subdue an enemy and save a bleeding person – skills that will come in handy – but there's almost no dramatic tension in any of this.
We see him Skype with Skarlatos, who's joined the military and is serving in Afghanistan. Even here, recreating the dangerous work of Americans patrolling in Afghan villages, Eastwood phones in scenes so dull I had to agree with Skarlatos – who tells his friend he's bored, bored, bored.
What Anthony Sadler was doing with his life in this period is also largely uncharted – again.
It's easy to see why Eastwood wanted to make the movie. His last two films, American Sniper and Sully, have been about American heroes. He wanted to pay tribute to these men who did an extraordinarily brave thing on that train.
Not so much a movie as a confused, rambling travelogue
I agree with him: it was crazy brave. There should be a good movie in their story. But what Eastwood does here is not so much a movie as a confused, rambling travelogue, detailing how they came to be in the wrong place at the right time.
Their European tour before getting on that train in Amsterdam has to qualify as the dullest 20 minutes of cinema Eastwood has ever put together. And I hate typing those words. The man has earned his place among the great American directors of the past 40 years with more good movies, and a few great ones, than anyone would ever have expected. Just not this one.