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Posted: 2018-02-08 00:07:47

The most famous hairdo in the world appears to have had a malfunction.

At least, that's what the camera revealed after what looks like a gelled lock of the American President Donald Trump's hair flapped up in the wind.

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Trump's hair malfunction

Windy weather has revealed an unnerving view of the US President's scalp.

The slab of golden hair flew up as he boarded Air Force One, exposing a swath of baldnesson the back of his head.

Trump's unique hairstyle has not gone unnoticed by the public or pundits in recentyears.

On the campaign trail, speculation about the true state of his hair swirled, prompting Mr Trump to clasp a handful of it to prove its authenticity.

Notably, the hair was on the top of his head.

Last year, Mr Trump's personal physician Dr Harold Bornstein revealed Trump took a one-a-day pill for male pattern baldness.

That type of baldness leaves a horseshoe-shaped fringe around the sides and back of his head.

However, the latest footage suggest he lacks a lot of hair at the back of his head too.

Fairfax Media

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