The War On Drugs
February 6, The Enmore Theatre
A gig by the War On Drugs is like a two-hour game of "spot the influence".
Here are the bright keyboards and saxophone flourishes of the E Street Band. There are the meticulously programmed synthesiser washes of '80s indie heroes Talk Talk, giving way to the steady beat and busy bass of kraut-rockers Neu!
And always the guitar of Adam Granduciel, the leader of the Philadelphia five-piece, attacking like Sonic Youth one minute and soaring melodically like Dinosaur Jr's J.Mascis the next.
It's a tribute to Granduciel, who has written and produced most of the four War On Drugs albums released since 2008, that his band can contain elements of so many others yet sound so original.
At this sold-out show, it became clearer why this is the case. The War On Drugs are less a band than a machine, whose every part plays a well-defined contribution to the whole, no grandstanding allowed.
There's arguably a new genre of music being forged here, you might call it "ambient rock". Certainly it's rare to glance back from a mosh pit and see so many pairs of eyes closed, as people let the pounding soundscape transport them.
Or maybe they just knew there wasn't a lot to see on stage. Granduciel is an unassuming frontman, the type one suspects wouldn't be on tour if people still bought physical albums, and there were no extroverts among the session-quality band.
Also sticking to their place in the palette were Granduciel's singing voice - somewhere between Mark Knopfler and mid-period Dylan, if we're still playing "spot the influence", and low in the mix - as well as his lyrics.
The protagonist in Granduciel's songs does a lot of "lyin' on hills" and "sailin' down with the wind", riding the groove in search of a happiness that remains elusive.
"I'm in chains/I'm in love/I'm in pain" he sings in opener In Chains. The music seems to be his only comfort, but at least in the War On Drugs' case, it always resolves sweetly.
The War On Drugs play the Enmore Theatre on Wednesday, February 7.