While jobs, education and health were key talking points of the first televised South Australian leaders' debate, the simple act of forming government dominated the conversation.
Premier Jay Weatherill, Opposition Leader Steven Marshall and SA Best leader Nick Xenophon went head to head at the SA Press Club in the lead-up to the March 17 poll.
It was the first time three leaders had the chance to debate key policies and share their vision for South Australia, but much of the time was spent explaining what they planned in the event of a hung parliament.
Steven Marshall still says no
Liberal leader Steven Marshall has long ruled out doing a deal with Nick Xenophon to form a coalition or minority government.
Today, Mr Xenophon suggested he could do a deal with a different Liberal leader.
"Mr Marshall says he'll never negotiate with SA Best. He says he will resign if he doesn't get a majority," Mr Xenophon said.
"I expect Steven to be a man of his word. I don't expect to be talking to him. He'll be gone.
"But I'm sure another Liberal leader will want to talk."
With recent polls putting Mr Xenophon well ahead in the electorate of Hartley, there's also been talk of the Liberal and Labor parties preferencing each other ahead of SA Best.
Neither party would rule that out.
Unlike Steven Marshall, Jay Weatherill hasn't ruled out doing a deal with Nick Xenophon to form a minority government, but what he has ruled out is supporting Mr Xenophon's call for a royal commission into the health system.
"The concept of a royal commission is very important when you look at the failures of the health system," the SA Best leader said.
"When you look at the costs, the massive waiting lists and the ramping at emergency departments, it is a justified expense given the overall expense of our health budget.
"It is for the AMA and other groups to critique or criticise it, but done properly and the terms of reference for a royal commission would need to be done in conjunction with key stakeholders including doctors, nurses in the system."
Xenophon didn't seem hopeful of top job
"We are aiming to win the balance of power, not to form government but if we can secure a balance of power situation it would be an historic breakthrough, disrupting the cosy duopoly that has governed South Australia for a century," he said.
Mr Xenophon said any party that wanted to do a deal with him to form government would have to agree to an investigation into the health system's failures.
Mr Weatherill's response to that was a firm no and Mr Marshall also ruled it out.
"What we would like to see is money going in to supporting our doctors and nurses dealing with the outrageous elective surgery times, not money being spent with lawyers and retired judges doing a big inquiry," Mr Marshall said.
Mr Xenophon was also realistic about his chances of becoming premier of South Australia.
"I'm a political realist, we will be outgunned four to one in terms of expenditure," he said.
"We have literally a handful of people running ragged in our tiny campaign office.
"I expect the best thing we can hope for is to win a handful of seats, the realistic expectation and nothing more than that.
"But we will do our best to shake it up."
What was the response?
ABC Adelaide livestreamed the debate on Facebook. Here's what some of our audience had to say.
Lazaras Panayioto: "The health model Labor used isn't practical in SA. My grandparents can barely get into a car, let alone wait for ambulances to not only bring them to a hospital but also to transfer them around to various hospitals because they now all have their own separate 'specialised' wards, under the guise of 'modernising'."
Nigel Tinning: "Jay is the best orator, he's quietly spoken. I think he's pretty good. I'll be supporting the incumbent. He's established...the State is "tracking well" ..and in the face of that.. The other two come across more interested in their own careers ... than they are in showing solidarity."
Josh Josh: "So "people are leaving Adelaide in droves"... Why build high density residential on the RAH site?"
Graham Roberts: "Are the Libs going to build more one way freeways?"
Samuel Doering: "What about the rural and regional areas? Are they not as important?"
Topics: federal---state-issues, elections, government-and-politics, state-parliament, adelaide-5000, sa