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Posted: 2018-02-02 06:18:14

The Victorian Greens will join forces with the Coalition to try to block the $6.7 billion West Gate Tunnel in Parliament.

The Greens, who hold the balance of power in the upper house, confirmed on Friday that they would join the Coalition's bid to block changes to planning rules designed to enable the new toll road.

It comes after Premier Daniel Andrews announced on Wednesday that the West Gate Tunnel had started to be built, and would proceed even if it did not have planning approval in Parliament.

Victorian Greens transport spokesperson Sam Hibbins said the project was not taken to an election, and would not address Melbourne's transport needs in the west.

“The West Gate toll road is a bad project that will simply create more traffic and profits for Transurban," Mr Hibbins said.

“Disallowing the planning scheme may not stop the project, but it should. The government will continue to show contempt for democracy if it proceeds with the West Gate toll road without planning approval.”

The odd coupling comes with state Parliament set to resume for the year on Tuesday.

Upper house MPs have until late March to vote on the planning scheme amendment, which is needed for projects that require rezoning or other changes to land use and overlays to be built.

Blocking these amendments in Parliament is historically rare, but the strategy is being increasingly used by both the Coalition and the Greens to stop government projects.

Late last year, the tactic was used to stop construction of the high-rise tower on top of Ormond railway station and the Markham public housing estate in Ashburton.

The controversial Barwon Heads Bridge was similarly blocked in Parliament in 2009, but the two-bridge crossing was built after the then Planning Minister Justin Madden made an order under the Planning and Environment Act to exempt the project from the act's requirements.

It is understood that the government can still legally push ahead with the project by rendering it exempt from the Act, or invoking the Major Transport Projects Facilitation Act instead.

It is not clear how this would impact the project itself, but planning experts have suggested that it risks peeling away a layer of scrutiny over the new toll road linking the West Gate Freeway in Spotswood with CityLink in West Melbourne.

Opposition planning and public transport spokesman David Davis said the government risked "riding roughshod over democracy" if it proceeded to build the road without planning approvals.

"An attempt by the government to frustrate the Parliament's lawful powers would strike further at the heart of the legitimacy of the project."

The toll road is tipped to get 9000 trucks off local streets by providing an alternative to the heavily congested West Gate Bridge.

Both the Coalition and the Greens have criticised the project following warnings that it was based on distorted traffic benefits, risked worsening inner-city traffic and would massively increase trucks on some local streets.

Transurban  told its investors in December that if the planning scheme amendment did not pass Parliament, “the state could elect to terminate the project”.

But a spokeswoman told The Age on Friday that the road had received necessary planning approval.

"Transurban has a contract with the government to build and operate the road and we are now actively fulfilling our obligations to deliver 6000 jobs, with over 700 people already employed."

Minister for Roads Luke Donnellan said any attempt to disallow the planning scheme amendment would be a "cheap political stunt".

“The Greens and the Liberals are irrelevant to our plans. There are no legitimate grounds to revoke the planning scheme amendment."

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