
What can a singing, dancing, drumming choir of children aged between eight and 12 do for 2.7 million orphans in Uganda?
The Mwangaza Children's Choir, made up of 18 children from Kampala, Uganda, is on an ambitious tour of 47 towns and cities across Australia.
Choir team leader Ronald Sahr Jarvouhey said the group had come to the country with more than just entertainment in mind.
"We have kids here who are singing on behalf of other children in Uganda who might not be able to get to school," he said.
"We believe God can give people here the opportunity to be able to help those children get to school."
The tour will raise funds through donations, the sale of traditional crafts, and pledges to Africa Renewal Ministries, a non-profit organisation that runs churches, schools, orphanages and medical clinics in Uganda.
Africa's future leaders
Uganda as a country has had a challenging recent history with military coups, dictatorships, civil war and an ongoing HIV/AIDS epidemic.
Mr Jarvouhey said Africa Renewal Ministries saw its education and outreach programs as a way to influence the future of the country through the next generation.
"We believe the challenge of the world today, especially in Africa, is with the leadership," he said.
"Many African countries have resources; they have the gold, they have diamonds, but because the resources are with leaders who are selfish, we're struggling.
"If we raise leaders of integrity, leaders who look at life and look at the people they lead more than themselves, then we know the future of Africa is secure."

That larger vision is clear in the minds of the young performers.
Twelve-year-old Jamilla's dream is unconventional for a child of her age.
"I want to become a bank manager," she said.
"In some banks in Uganda, people's money is stolen. I want to become a bank manager so people's struggle for money stops, so our country can develop easily."
These ambitions come from a generation of children who have seen adults struggle with poverty and disease.
According to UNICEF, the national life expectancy in Uganda is just 58.7 years, compared to 82.45 years in Australia.
Peace, 12, hopes to become a doctor after watching her uncle suffer.
"He was sick, and they never knew the disease which he was suffering," she said.
"That inspired me to become a doctor and treat many people."
An exchange of new experiences
Aside from sharing their own stories with Australian audiences, the children are thrilled to have the opportunity to encounter new things.
"I never expected to see so many kangaroos. That surprised me," Peace said.
Nine-year-old Mercy is enjoying Australia's poultry obsession.
"My favourite thing? I like the food," she said.
What kind of food?

Another experience uncommon to children in Uganda is spending time with anyone over the age of 60.
"Our kids don't get to meet old people," tour manager Mark Bradshaw said.
"With war, AIDS and disease, we lose many people.
"For them to be able to sit with elderly people and engage with them is so valuable."
A large part of the tour is performing in aged care facilities.
Twelve-year-old Isaac said he was grateful for the opportunity to perform for an older audience.
"When I sing, some people are touched," he said.
"When we sang in Malaysia, there is an old guy who came and told me 'You have touched my life when you sang your song'.
"This makes me very happy in my heart."
Topics: children, charities, music, broken-hill-2880