Children in Australian theatre should be seen, heard, and listened to according to a new paper from children's theatre practitioner Sue Giles.
The Currency House platform paper, Young People and the Arts: An agenda for change, calls on the performing arts to welcome ideas from young actors and audiences.
![Sue Giles argues that youth theatre should steer clear of heavy-handed moralising.](
"The number of things that children and young people can think of in one second is extraordinary," says Giles. "You can throw an idea in, and a million different things will come up – most won't be possible, but something will always come out of it that's a really new perspective."
Too often, young theatregoers meet are met with condescension.
"People underestimate them all the time – they don't respect them, or think they're incapable of taking responsibility or having an opinion," she says. "And as a result, we're getting more and more closed. The walls are more and more being built into little enclaves that we don't go past."
Fraser Corfield, artistic director of Australian Theatre for Young People, agrees.
"One of the key misconceptions is that you have to learn what good theatre is," he says. "You don't – if you involve kids in developing your work, they'll tell you whether or not it's engaging, and you need to have the maturity and the wisdom and the perception to work collaboratively with them."
One of the big traps for theatre for young people is heavy-handed moralising.
"We can spend a little less time using drama to teach young people why they should learn Shakespeare, how to be good people, or why not to take drugs, and we can spend a little more time just looking into the world of characters their own age," Corfield says.
Giles is the artistic director of children's theatre company Polyglot Theatre. On many occasions, giving youngsters their head has produced unexpected results – such as the time she was directing a kids' parade in a hilly area.
"The kids got there and without even thinking about it, they just all dropped and rolled down the hill," she says. "It was the most beautiful choreography I have ever seen in my life – that instinctive energy.
"So people really need to start going 'hang on, there's something there' with a young audience. And act on it!"