He said it.
He actually said it.

"I am a celebrity, get me out of here."
Or at least, words to that effect. Bernard Tomic lasted just a couple of days on the set of the Channel Ten reality show set in a jungle in Africa – having the entrails of a chicken poured over his head, at exactly the same time as Roger Federer was on his way to notching up his 20th grand slam victory – before announcing he'd had enough and wanted to get back to tennis.

Even in the short time he was there, the unfiltered Tomic was remarkable for the sheer gut-wrenching pathos of his words.
"I was just a machine, training with my father ... I didn't have a childhood; obviously, that took its toll."
Hang on! This wasn't the arrogant, pea-heart mug we all love to hate. This was quite another Tomic, one expressing vulnerability.
"I didn't know any life apart from tennis since I was eight years old."
On the subject of his dickhead comments about going to "count my millions", after being knocked out in qualification rounds for the Australian Open he lashed himself.
"I regretted saying that about two minutes later," he said. "I've said so many things in so many press conferences that caused problems. There's been incidents with police and arrests in Miami. Obviously, I did these things and I regret them ... I regret 80 per cent of what I've done."
You get the drift.
It was raw Tomic – I repeat, not the swaggering dickhead, but a lost soul – and that was even before he began to talk of what ails him.
"Half the time during the day, I'm just depressed," he told one of his fellow contestants.
"I've never really had time to think about my thoughts. I've always had people around, my mobile phone … everything was so fast-paced. Everything's slowed down in the last few days. I don't want to spend half my time depressed here ... thinking about how I played last year and where I should be."
As a matter of fact, Tomic soon decided he was so depressed, there was only one solution. Get out of the jungle and back on the tennis court as quickly as possible.
And so he pulled the pin, telling hosts Julia Morris and Chris Brown on the way out, "The more hours I spent in there, the more depressed I became ... it wasn't about getting bitten by the snakes or jumping off the plane or the first time camping or the first time cliff trials, it was about me being depressed ... I had to get out of there."
You're right.
We are in sensitive territory. The instant Tomic was frank about the highly charged topic of depression – even though it was much more along the lines of "I am depressed" than the much more troubling "I have depression" – most of us trenchant critics backed way off. The commentary went in an instant from "what a bloody wuss, for even thinking of dropping out," to "I hope he gets help".
I, too, hope he gets help, but not just the help that a professional counsellor of some description might offer.
I hope he gets the help that will come simply from getting the hell away from tennis for a while.
You say you want to get straight back on court. Is that because, this time, you will have time to think, with no people around, and things won't be fast-paced?
Mate, it doesn't make sense. You've been commendably open about what that life has done to you. But now you want to race back to it?
Don't do it, Bernard.
Live the life, Bernard.
Not the life of planes, trains, automobiles, courts, hotels and nightclub life of being on the circuit.. And not even the slightly more laid-back Lamborghini life of kicking back on the Gold Coast, between tournaments.
Instead, why not try to have some of the experiences that other Australians your age have had, but you have missed out on. Get a mate and drive a car around Australia, staying at caravan parks. Fall in love with a Swedish backpacker and have her break your heart. Even work for a bit on a blueberry farm, up Lismore way. Spend a month or two living in youth hostels in South America. Find out what it is you actually want to do, far from press hysteria and paternal pressures.
There will be two possible conclusions.
Either, you really want to play tennis. Or you don't.
Both are fabulous conclusions to come to!
If the former, fantastic. You can come back in a year, train the house down and savour every match, work for every point, and there will be no more nonsense about being Tomic the Tank Engine. You will respect yourself, and Australia will respect you for having taken the long road to get to a place where you can really appreciate what you have, and love your eagerness to fulfil your potential.
If the latter conclusion though, that you are jack of the whole thing, that, too, will be wonderful. You've been relentlessly hitting bloody tennis balls for the past 20 years, and by your own admission have done nothing other than that since you were eight. It would be a quite reasonable to decide that just don't want to do that anymore, and again, Australia would cheer your escape.
What would you do instead?
I don't know. But you more than likely will if you have a year off and have a variety of different experiences. But you cannot go on the way you have been. If the two days in the jungle has given you such an epiphany as to how to steer yourself, imagine what a whole year would do.
Good luck. And so say all of us.
Twitter: @Peter_Fitz