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Posted: 2018-01-31 14:12:32

London: German car-makers have "blood on their hands" after rigging diesel exhaust tests which led to the deaths of thousands of Britons, the UK government's former chief scientist has said.

Professor Sir David King said it was "simply astonishing" that Volkswagen, BMW and Daimler had performed rigged experiments on monkeys and that such duplicity had caused the deaths of large numbers of people in the UK.

The Government's Chief Scientific Adviser until 2007, Sir David described how he was duped into believing diesel capture technology was safe during a trip to a British testing lab in 2004, prompting a policy shift in favour of diesel cars.

His intervention came as Volkswagen suspended one of its most senior lobbyists over the latest scandal.

Thomas Steg, head of international and government relations at the carmaker, was suspended pending a full enquiry after taking responsibility for VW's involvement, the company said.

Sir David said: "The number of early fatalities in Britain is really very, very large due to NOx [nitrogen oxides] air, with governments across Europe encouraging diesel on the basis that the catalyst traps worked.

"These companies have blood on their hands - I say that without any doubt."

Germany's leading car-makers were  scrambling on Tuesday to distance themselves from tests carried out in the US in 2014 in which monkeys were forced to breathe diesel exhaust for several hours in an attempt to prove it was not dangerous to human health.

They are also facing questions over separate tests carried out in Germany in which human subjects were exposed to potentially toxic nitrogen oxides.

Both sets of tests were commissioned and funded by a lobbying group set up by VW, BMW and Daimler, the company that makes Mercedes, together with the German engineering giant Bosch.

The latest revelations are likely to increase pressure on Volkswagen, which is already facing litigation in the UK and elsewhere over the emissions scandal. The allegations follow wider revelations around the rigging of diesel emission tests which emerged in 2015.

Sir David said he had been convinced by the safety of new diesel capture catalysts following a visit to the Johnson Matthey lab in Royston, Hertfordshire in 2004, where a rigged VW, among other vehicles, was emitting exhaust that "smelled cleaner than normal air".

"It was on that basis, and reviews of the data, that I stood back and let the regulatory system run through," he said.

"Of course I had no idea that the car manufacturers would play games with the regulatory system, which they subsequently did."

Misleading test results were also cited in reports which contributed to official health advice on diesel vehicles published by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (Nice) in the UK.

It is alleged that the vehicles involved in the newly revealed 2014 tests had also been programmed to pollute less during tests than they would on the road.

Matthias Müller, the VW CEO, said: "I am sorry that VW was involved in these tests. They are some things you simply do not do."

He added: "The methods practised in the US trial were unethical and repulsive, and had absolutely nothing to do with scientific method."

When announcing Steg's departure, VW said in a statement it was "drawing the first consequences" as it investigates the activities of EUGT, the entity backed by Volkswagen and other carmakers that commissioned the monkey experiment.

Steg had said in an interview published in the newspaper Bild that he had known about the experiment but did not inform the company's then-CEO, Martin Winterkorn. Steg said he rejected an initial proposal to use human volunteers and said that even after animals were substituted the experiment "should not have taken place".

The move follows a report in The New York Times that the now-disbanded EUGT commissioned the 2014 monkey test at the Lovelace Respiratory Institute in Albuquerque, New Mexico, to measure how Volkswagen's diesel technology was succeeding in controlling harmful emissions.

The test was done with a vehicle that used illegal software to cheat on emissions tests, turning controls off when the vehicle was not being tested. That practice was exposed in 2015, leading to Winterkorn's resignation.

The monkey scandal is another black eye for the German auto industry as it seeks to move past the Volkswagen scandal and the doubts it unleashed over how clean diesel technology really was.

Volkswagen paid billions in fines and settlements and pleaded guilty to criminal charges.

BMW and Bosch yesterday both denied any involvement in the US tests. "This research would not have met Bosch's standards," Volkmar Denner, the Bosch CEO said. BMW said it would open an internal inquiry.

Daimler distanced itself from the tests in a statement on Monday and said it "condemned the experiments in the strongest possible terms".

Telegraph, London, AP

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