When I first started testing the Ubtech Lynx, the friendly looking bot piqued the curiosity of everyone in my office. All of my coworkers wanted to see it in action and play with it. We're all adults, but Lynx has a way of activating a childlike fascination, perhaps because it looks like a child itself. Functioning, consumer-ready robots are just now becoming a reality, and Ubtech deserves a lot of credit for creating the dancing, flexible, Alexa-enabled Lynx. Lynx is cool in concept and in reality, it works just fine. That's high praise for a product in this very young field.
However, don't take that high praise as a recommendation that you go out and buy Lynx. You almost certainly shouldn't fork over the $800 necessary to purchase this novelty toy. I recommend admiring Lynx from a distance as all of its tricks wear thin quickly, and after a day of joyful playing, you might be left wondering what you're supposed to do with it. If you have the money to spare and just really want to say you own a robot, go ahead. Otherwise, wait for one that actually does something a little more useful before making the splurge.
The cute little Lynx bot actually has lots of talents. Most importantly, it has microphones and Amazon's assistant Alexa built-in, so it can respond to a wide variety of voice commands.