(MA) 109 minutes
Selected release
If you feel like starting out the year with something utterly ridiculous, I can recommend Bleeding Steel, the latest vehicle for the aged Jackie Chan, shot in Sydney by the Chinese writer-director Leo Zhang with a bunch of recognisable Australian actors in small roles.
Jackie Chan stars as a hardened special forces agent who fights to protect a young woman from a sinister criminal gang.
In theory, this is some kind of tongue-in-cheek science fiction action caper, but Zhang proceeds as if his goal were to keep us in the dark for as long as possible as to what the story is about, or even who the central character might be.
Even the expository parts of the script are bewildering: the English-language dialogue has evidently been literally translated from Chinese, and not all the local actors can be bothered trying to make it sound idiomatic. "She is a mission herself, her blood contains all the memories," an Australian newsreader informs the public early on.
![Jackie Chan stars as a hardened special forces agent who fights to protect a young woman from a sinister criminal gang.](https://www.fairfaxstatic.com.au/content/dam/images/h/0/b/y/g/i/image.related.articleLeadwide.620x349.h0bxid.png/1514809757318.jpg)
The character under discussion, it eventually turns out, is Nancy (Nana Ouyang), an orphaned Sydney student whose mild appearance masks mysterious abilities which come to the fore when she's triggered by racism in the uni cafeteria. Her secret is linked to a plot to create an army of genetically engineered "bioroids", connected in turn to a trauma suffered years ago by Chan's character Officer Lin.
Others with an interest in Nancy include Lin's level-headed former colleague (Erica Xia-Hou); a young hacker (Show Lo from The Mermaid) who fulfils his responsibilities as comic relief mainly by pulling faces; and the Woman in Black (Tess Haubrich), a cheap knockoff of a Cate Blanchett villainess who stalks around Sydney in a cape and latex bodysuit, flanked by possibly extra-terrestrial robot henchmen.
For all its incoherence, the film is never exactly dull, thanks to Zhang's willingness to throw anything into the mix and his allergy to understatement. The supporting players tend to be upstaged by the production design: Damian Garvey is a bestselling novelist who lives in a ritzy 1970s-style apartment with marble walls and a conversation pit, while Gillian Jones is an exotically accented witch who has her lair in an industrial building accessible via fire escape, its exterior walls smothered in colourful graffiti.
The action scenes are edited in a rapid, disjointed manner which does nothing to mask the reliance on stunt doubles: the big setpieces fall flat, including a battle atop the Sydney Opera House done mainly in long shot. Younger viewers unfamiliar with Chan in his heyday may well wonder how he rose to stardom in the first place. Still, he remains a charming, highly expressive actor, and a brief scene where he fends off assailants using props from a magic show is a reminder of the kind of agility he was capable of once upon a time.