If your New Year's resolution is to spend more time in the garden, then you may be in luck.
Those in Tuggeranong with a green thumb will get a shiny green bin come January, as the ACT government rolls out its next lot of garden waste bins to Canberra's south.

It comes after a trial earlier this year had more than 8000 homes in Kambah and Weston Creek opt into the kerbside green waste pick up service. By September, the bins will also be arriving in Belconnen, ahead of a full territory-wide roll out in mid-2019.
Acting Minister for Transport and City Services Rachel Stephen-Smith said more than 5000 Tuggeranong households had signed up for the service since registrations opened on November 27.
The first collection will be on January 22 and those who registered between November 27 and December 10 should get their bin by January 19.
During annual reports hearings this year, ACT NoWaste director Michael Trushell said he'd been "very surprised" at how low the contamination rate had been during the initial trial.
"On average I think per household it's maybe about 30 grams of contamination over about a four- or five-month period so it's been exceptional," Mr Trushell said.
Contaminants can include food scraps, paper and cardboard and plastic bags.
But the territory's "trash packers" say they're being put of business by the roll out and have demanded a compensation package from the ACT government.
Ms Stephen-Smith said Canberrans could still register for a green bin online for a one-off fee of $50. Concession card holders are exempt from payment.
The pick-up service will kick off in January for Banks, Bonython, Calwell, Chisholm, Conder, Fadden, Gilmore, Gordon, Gowrie, Greenway, Isabella Plains, Macarthur, Monash, Oxley, Richardson, Theodore, Wanniassa and Tharwa.
For more information, visit actgreenwaste.jjrichards.com.au.